Hydrocodone Addiction Plaguing This AthleteA serious epidemic plaguing the United States today is hydrocodone addiction as well as addiction to other narcotic pain medications. In the early 2000s, pharmaceutical companies were pushing pain medications like hydrocodone and oxycontin claiming that they weren’t addictive. It didn’t take long to show that this was false. For many years, addiction only hit lower income areas, and the biggest problem drug was crack cocaine. Now, many people are struggling with an addiction to pain medications. Thousands of people are suffering from fatal or potentially fatal overdoses each year.

How are Athletes at Risk of a Hydrocodone Addiction?

Pain medications do work, and they were created with great intentions. They act by blocking the pain receptors in the brain, which helps life be much more manageable for anyone who is suffering from chronic injury or pain. As an athlete, one is much more prone to injury than the average person. Whether they play basketball, football, hockey or any other sport, each day they’re pushing their body to the extreme. When an athlete tears ligaments, breaks a bone or even gets a severe sprain, they may be prescribed narcotic pain medications. The issue is that it’s difficult to tell who will become addicted and who won’t.

How Does a Hydrocodone Addiction Happen?

Only a small portion of people who take narcotic pain medications become addicted to them. There are a variety of different risk factors, and one of them is a genetic predisposition. An athlete who has addiction in their family is much more likely to become addicted to the medications. Their brain may be susceptible to the disease of addiction. Others become addicted over time for a variety of reasons. Some athletes are put on a maintenance plan for medications like hydrocodone, which means they’re taking the medication every day for months or years. Eventually, the brain and body become dependent and tolerant to the medication, and that person needs more in order to feel well.

In these cases, it’s sometimes very difficult to spot a hydrocodone addiction. When someone is prescribed these medications by a medical professional, it’s much easier for him or her to justify and rationalize their using. It’s also difficult for the friends and family of the person to spot the addiction because they’re aware of the injury. Here are some signs of hydrocodone addiction to look out for:

  • Needing more of the medication in order to feel well.
  • Seeing multiple doctors to get more pain medications.
  • Taking more than prescribed.
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when they run out of the medication.
  • Buying medications illegally from drug dealers.

Finding Help for a Hydrocodone Addiction

Beaches Recovery is located in Jacksonville FL, and we’re here to help you overcome your addiction to hydrocodone. Our facility is accredited by JCAHO, which means we use evidence-based methods that have been proven to work. We’re partnered with a local detox facility to help you through the initial stages of withdrawal, and then you will begin our addiction treatment program.

We have a staff of trained professionals who work with people who have suffered from injuries and become addicted to prescription pain medications. We’ll help teach you new ways for managing pain that don’t involve prescription opioids so you can regain control of your life. We also work with a wide range of different insurance providers. Call today at 866.605.0532 to have your benefits verified and get started on the path towards a new life.