The Symptoms of Alcoholism Are Putting Him Over the Edge with WorryIf you are struggling with alcoholism, you know that stopping drinking by yourself feels almost impossible. You likely also know that symptoms of alcoholism can be severe when you try to resist drinking. You need help to quit using alcohol and achieve sustainable sobriety. All you have to do to get that help is to decide that it is time and you are ready.

Symptoms of Alcoholism

You probably know whether you are dependent on alcohol or if you are on your way to a legitimate drinking problem. If you are abusing alcohol, you likely experience the following symptoms of alcoholism:

  • Work or school is suffering because of your drinking
  • You have taken risks while drinking, such as driving under the influence
  • You have been arrested or have legal problems caused by drinking
  • You experience blackouts and can’t remember what happened while you were drinking
  • You have hurt yourself or others while drinking
  • A medical diagnosis has not led you to stop drinking as you should
  • Friends and family express concern about your drinking

If you are physically dependent on alcohol, your body now relies on drinking as part of each day. Signs that you are dependent on or addicted to alcohol include:

  • You have tried to stop drinking but failed
  • You cannot control how much you drink
  • You drink more than before to feel the same effect
  • When you stop drinking you suffer withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, shakiness, nausea and sweating
  • You drink often and spend a lot of time recovering from drinking
  • You stopped doing things you enjoy so you can spend more time drinking
  • You have destroyed relationships by drinking but continue to choose alcohol over people

Like other alcoholics who think about quitting drinking, you are probably hiding your drinking, feeling guilty for your behaviors and making excuses for yourself. All of these are indications that you want to stop and really are ready. But you need help from a rehab for alcohol addiction to help you get through withdrawal symptoms of alcoholism.

Symptoms of Alcoholism Need Treatment

Many people in your position have tried quitting drinking at least once by going “cold turkey.” This can be very dangerous, especially if you have been using alcohol for a long time. When you quit drinking this way you can expect to first feel lousy. But your condition can worsen and it is not unusual for patients to develop serious medical problems during alcohol withdrawal.

One dangerous collection of symptoms in alcohol withdrawal is called delirium tremens (DT). DTs appear in about five percent of patients going through alcohol withdrawal, according to a publication of the National Institutes of Health. Patients going through DTs experience severe agitation, disorientation, hallucinations, tremors, and increases in rates of breathing, pulse, heartbeat and blood pressure. Even worse, between five and 25 percent of patients going through DTs are at risk for death.

Withdrawal symptoms of alcoholism may begin at about six hours or more after your last drink. Some of the first symptoms of alcohol withdrawal include:

  • Tremors
  • Anxiety
  • Nausea
  • Sleep disorders like insomnia
  • Restlessness

About ten percent of patients experience even worse withdrawal during detox. They go through all of the above symptoms and more. Additional symptoms can include a fever, rapid breathing and profuse sweating. Seizures also occur in five percent of patients.

Beaches Recovery Provides Accredited Treatment for Alcoholism

Alcohol detox is a difficult process and can be worse than detox from most other abused substances. To get through withdrawal symptoms of alcoholism safely and start rebuilding your life in recovery, you need comprehensive addiction treatment. You should never try to go through this alone.

To learn more about finding a healthy detox center and entering accredited rehab for your best chance of lasting recovery, call Beaches Recovery in Jacksonville, Florida now at 8666050532.