A lot of health problems can occur alongside substance use disorder. For example, it’s no surprise that alcohol addiction and anorexia can be co-occurring disorders. People with drunkorexia, as they call it, must get treatment because of the dangerous effects that the conditions have. However, what does drunkorexia treatment involve?

About Alcohol Abuse and Anorexia

Despairing woman sitting in bed realizing she needs drunkorexia treatmentLearning about alcohol use disorder and anorexia can help people understand the connection between these disorders. Some of them might think that drinking of any kind is dangerous. However, studies suggest that light drinking can have health benefits.

The problem is that millions of people drink more than they should and develop alcohol use disorder. Because of that, the alcohol causes them harm and distress. When they continue to drink despite the consequences, they usually have an alcohol addiction. Other signs include cravings, not being able to stop drinking and experiencing alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

A pattern of heavy drinking increases people’s risk for certain cancers and damages the brain, liver and other organs. It raises their risk of death from injuries, car accidents, homicides and suicides as well. And that doesn’t even mention the chance of needing drunkorexia treatment.

As an eating disorder, anorexia involves weight loss or the lack of weight gain in growing kids. Other traits include distorted body image and difficulty managing an appropriate weight. In general, people with anorexia limit the foods and calories that they eat and may exercise in excess. They could also binge eat and purge the consumed foods by taking laxatives or vomiting.

People of all ages, races, and genders can develop anorexia. They don’t have to be underweight or malnourished to struggle with the condition either. However, this eating disorder forces the body to slow down all of its processes, which can have severe health consequences. Cardiac arrest and electrolyte imbalance, for instance, can kill unexpectedly.

The Connection

In 2013, scientists discovered a connection between alcohol abuse and anorexia. They previously found that some risk for developing eating disorders and alcohol dependence involves genetics. The new discovery was that the risk for each involves some of the same genes.

When drunkorexia is present, the alcohol-related damage intensifies because the body doesn’t have the nutrients that it needs. The result is an increased risk for chronic illnesses. The weak body also has a higher chance of suffering from alcohol poisoning. Also, the co-occurring conditions can cause cognitive damage.

What to Expect in Drunkorexia Treatment

Because of the presence of substance use disorder and anorexia, dual diagnosis treatment is essential to recover. However, no one-size-fits-all solution works for everyone. Instead, people need to find a rehab center that offers customized drunkorexia treatment. In general, it will include a range of treatment methods.

Medical intervention is one of the first steps when treating drunkorexia. Because of the damage that both cause, people need vitamins to rebuild missing nutrients. They must also stop drinking alcohol, which can cause withdrawal symptoms. Getting medical attention at a detox center can ensure their safety through this potentially life-threatening process.

Next, drunkorexia treatment includes a variety of therapy techniques. Examples include individual counseling, family therapy, and group counseling. Involving family members in treatment helps people work through disorder-related interpersonal problems. It also educates the family so that they can understand their loved ones’ struggles and provide better support.

Since alcohol addiction and anorexia frequently require lifelong management, ongoing support is necessary after drunkorexia treatment. It works as part of relapse prevention when people experience high-stress situations and other difficult issues in their lives. A rehab center could offer an aftercare program to provide this support. Family members and support groups are great additional resources.

Get Treatment at Beaches Recovery

Are you ready to seek dual diagnosis treatment for co-occurring alcohol addiction and anorexia? At Beaches Recovery, our program includes several mental health treatment programs for dual diagnosis conditions.

When you visit Beaches Recovery, we make sure that you get safe detox treatment at Tides Edge. After that, you’ll return to our facility to continue your treatment. Some of the programs that we offer include:

Don’t let drunkorexia cause you any more harm. Get reliable drunkorexia treatment today. Call Beaches Recovery at 866.605.0532 to learn more about our services.