Man sitting comfortably in chair by window writing in journal at residential drug rehab center.After the detox process, a residential drug rehab treatment program is the highest level of care that will help people who are facing an addiction. Addiction is a very powerful disease, and it’s important to have very intensive treatment when you get sober. Those who struggle with addiction have obsessive, drug-seeking behaviors that take control of his or her life. Without the proper structure, it’s common for people to relapse within days of completing their detox.

Addiction alters the way a person’s mind works, and the disease makes drugs and alcohol become your top priority. For many people, this type of behavior has been going on for multiple years, and therefore, it takes time to heal. The issue is that many people drink and use as a way to deal with the emotions of everyday life without building the proper foundation of recovery at a Jacksonville FL drug rehab center.

What is Residential Drug Rehab?

Residential addiction treatment is when you’re living at the treatment center in which you’re receiving your treatment. This is highly beneficial because your entire day is focused on recovering from your addiction. In most cases, residential treatment is crucial in the beginning stages of recovery, and you will later transition into a less intensive addiction treatment program. Residential addiction treatment is for people who fit into any of the following categories:

  • A history of chronic relapses
  • Your living situation makes it difficult to stay sober
  • You’re struggling with a readiness to change
  • You need medical or psychological attention regularly
  • You have issues controlling your impulses to use

None of these issues are ones to feel bad about because they’re issues most people with an addiction struggle with. The disease of addiction is cunning, and it makes many people have reservations about getting sober. Those who have strong impulsive behaviors and a long history of relapse can’t even trust themselves. For most people, a residential drug rehab center is crucial because living at home is a very powerful trigger.

After residential drug rehab, addiction treatment continues depending on the individual’s needs. Some move on to outpatient programs, while others participate in Jacksonville’s sober living programs.

I have been to several rehabilitation centers before coming to beaches. Beaches Recovery has been nothing short of a miracle. The understanding, compassionate, and above all patient staff is what makes this place so great. If you are seeking help for yourself or a loved one Beaches Recovery is the place to go. They have literally saved my life and will do the same for you if you let them. Pick up the phone and call now. You won’t regret it.


Getting Out of Isolation in a Residential Drug Rehab

Many people who struggle with an addiction also have an issue with isolating themselves, and this can keep you sick. Being in a residential drug rehab program forces you to get out of your isolative behaviors that are hindering your recovery. You’ll have plenty of alone time, but when you’re stuck in your thoughts, you’ll have a healthy way out. Recovery is about learning how to stay in the solution rather than the problem, and you’ll find that.

Being in a residential addiction recovery center allows you to build strong bonds with others who are attempting to stay sober as well. The disease of addiction makes you want to feel like you’re alone, so this setting shows you that it isn’t true. You’ll see that you have love and support from others, and this support will help you one day at a time. Eventually, you’ll begin to see that you can support others as well when they’re struggling.

Focusing on Yourself at a Residential Drug Rehab

With work, bills, children, a spouse, and other responsibilities, it can feel impossible to take the time off to get well. You must remember that if you don’t take the time that you need to get better, you can lose everything. Going to a residential rehab program isn’t a vacation, but it’s a much-needed break that you need in order to overcome your drug addiction. You need to take action as soon as possible to get well before you lose more than you already have.

Beaches Recovery has a 30-bed facility with availability so that you can get the addiction help that you need today. If you’re ready to begin your new life and regain control, call us today at 866.605.0532.