What to Bring to Beaches Recovery?

Despite what you may have heard from friends attending other treatment centers or what you’ve seen on TV shows, Beaches encourages you to bring items from home. Just because you’re getting treatment for addiction doesn’t mean you need to be isolated from the rest of the world.

Here are some suggestions about what to bring – and what NOT to bring.


While you need everyday clothes, you will also want to Include work-out attire, sneakers, bathing suit and flip flops. It won’t be much fun going to the beach and learning how to surf in jeans.


Shampoo, conditioner, body wash, shaving cream, toothbrush, toothpaste, razor, lotion, etc. If you bring mouthwash, make certain it is “Alcohol-Free”.


You’re welcome to bring your computer, cell phone, tablet or e-Reader.

Books, Notebooks

While we will have plenty of notebooks and writing paper for you, if you have a favorite journal or pen, bring it! Also feel free to bring a book to read during your down time.


Is there a photo that is special to you – perhaps of your kids or your pets – that might give you comfort? Please bring it so you can put it on your dresser to see every morning.

All Medication

  • Anything you take that’s over-the-counter.
  • All prescription medications.

Administrative Items We Must Have

  • Picture ID
  • Insurance Card

Please Do Not Bring

  • Anything containing alcohol, such as cologne, perfume, mouthwash, etc.
  • Valuables – Leave your diamond necklaces, antique watches, drones, etc.  at home.

And, If You Must...

Any cash you bring will be held by your Case Manager.

The First 24 Hours – What to Expect Your First Day

Check In

Comfy living room now what to bring to Beaches RecoveryNo doubt about it–checking into a treatment center can be a scary experience. However, it’s likely that you will have already met someone from the Beaches team before you actually check in. We strive to make the transition into treatment as easy and non-threatening as possible. After all, it’s all about you and your healing.

Someone Always on Duty

When you first check in you’ll get to meet the Director on duty. He or she will welcome you and let you know there is always someone on duty available to assist in any way you need. Always. Just ask

Individualized Treatment Plan including Comprehensive Assessment

Paperwork signed now what to bring to Beaches RecoveryYour treatment program is not like anyone else’s at Beaches. We provide each client with thorough intake assessments, so we can create an individualized plan.

The first step in the Intake is a Comprehensive Assessment. It covers your reason for treatment, family history, significant relationships, social relationships, legal history, educational background, employment history and trauma you may have experienced.

We’ll also look at your leisure and recreational interests, your financial situation and current relationship status. We’ll want to know about your current and past addictions and relapse history, any chemical dependency, and other addictive behaviors. We’ll review your potential recovery environment, undertake a spiritual assessment, look at mental health and psychiatric factors–depression, anxiety, suicide.

While the Comprehensive Assessment may feel intrusive or overwhelming to you, learning about you is critical for us to create an individualized treatment plan just for you. We’ll proceed at your speed so there’s minimal anxiety for you. There will be a lot of questions on your first day, but it’s all geared to the goal of lifelong recovery.

Clinical Review – Therapist Assigned

Assigning therapist and learning what to bring to Beaches RecoveryThe Clinical Department will see you next, and your Primary Therapist will be assigned. You will be spending a lot of time with your Primary Therapist throughout your stay at Beaches. He or She is totally committed to your lifelong healing. Your Therapist is available to you just about any time you need him or her. You might have some tough times outside of your regularly scheduled appointment, and your Therapist encourages you to contact him or her whenever you need to.

Medical Review

On your first day, you’ll make an appointment with our Medical Team. It’s important that you see a medical doctor for a thorough medical assessment, so we make sure you are getting the proper treatment.

Family Involvement

Next, your Case Manager will, if appropriate, contact your family, spouse or partner. A critical part of healing is involving the family members with whom you live. Addiction is not only a disease that affects you, but also your family or the people who are close to you.

Personal Item Check and House Assignment

Nice bedroom but what to bring to Beaches RecoveryYour last stop is with our Operations Department. This is where your electronics (phone, laptop, etc.) will be secured, your possessions will be reviewed by our team for prohibited items and you’ll receive your house assignment.

And finally, you are on your way to your new temporary home. But first, we’ll give you $75 gift card and stop at Winn Dixie where you can purchase food and personal items. Then you get to meet your House Manager, Mentor, and Housemates at your new home.

At times, the first 24 hours can seem like 48 hours. But, almost every Beaches client will say that “Beaches saved my life.” And those who have spent time at other treatment centers say, “at Beaches, I wasn’t just another number. I really felt cared about.”

We will take you through this process step by step with the least amount of fuss and anxiety. It’s all about YOUR healing.