If you’re thinking about seeking treatment for addiction, then there is a good chance that you’ve considered a treatment center in Florida. Florida has a population of over 21 million, but many clients also come from around the country to get help. Finding the best inpatient drug and alcohol treatment center in Florida can feel overwhelming. Fortunately, Beaches Recovery can deliver the most critical aspects of recovery in one convenient and appealing location.

Variety of Program Types

Smiling woman has found the best inpatient drug and alcohol treatment center in FloridaNot all clients are the same, and not all addictions are the same. That’s why it is vital to have a variety of programs available to clients. If you’re looking for the best inpatient drug and alcohol treatment center in Florida, then inpatient rehab in Florida is probably your first choice. However, there are also other options you might want later in your treatment.

Many clients start with inpatient programs, but then move on to something else. Clients may wish to transition to an outpatient program eventually, or they might want to take advantage of sober living options. Having a step-down approach can be a smart way to fight back against relapse.

It is also helpful to have access to detox programs. At Beaches Recovery, clients can begin with detox services and then move onto rehab. Having both programs within one treatment center makes it logistically easier to stay on track and work toward total recovery.

Customized Plans for Recovery

Sometimes, treatment centers offer a one-size-fits-all approach to recovery. While that might work for some people, it doesn’t work for everyone. That’s why the best inpatient drug and alcohol treatment center in Florida will provide custom plans for recovery.

A personalized plan addresses the unique needs of every client. Some clients might have a recently developed drug addiction, while others may be struggling with a 20-year old drug or alcohol problem. Some people need a formulaic 12 step approach, and others thrive on holistic recovery options. A diverse range of treatment methods and therapies allows everyone to get the specific care that works best for them.

A Desirable Location

There’s a reason that Florida is a favorite spot for addiction recovery–it is a desirable location. Encouraging individuals to begin drug or alcohol addiction treatment can be tough. There are always reasons not to change, and choosing sobriety is a big decision. If treatment is in a scenic, warm and desirable place, however, then it is much easier to opt for recovery.

Jacksonville, Florida, is right on the coast, offering access to and views of the beach. Plus, the climate is comfortable and warm throughout the year. This encourages outdoor activity, and it can boost mood. All of these attributes add up, making Beaches Recovery the best inpatient drug and alcohol treatment center in Florida.

Availability of Dual Diagnosis Treatment

No single factor causes addiction. For some men and women, genetics may play a role in development. For others, it can be a result of environment. Others may have a mental health disorder that plays a role in substance abuse.

When mental health and substance abuse are both ongoing concerns for a client, then dual diagnosis treatment may be necessary. Dual diagnosis treatment addresses both issues simultaneously. It also gets to the possible underlying cause of the addiction, which can go a long way in preventing relapse.

Is Beaches Recovery the Best Inpatient Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center in Florida?

There are plenty of residential treatment centers in Florida, but there is only one Beaches Recovery. Clients who come to Beaches Recovery know that they will be getting customized care. They can also expect a long-term plan for success that includes many program types.

Perhaps most importantly, clients can choose from a number of treatment methods. There are many ways to fight back against addiction, and just some of the most effective include the following:

The best inpatient drug and alcohol treatment center in Florida is the one that can help you fully recover from addiction. At Beaches Recovery in Jacksonville, Florida, you’ll have a custom plan to guide you through the recovery process. Call 866.605.0532 to learn more and to begin planning for your healthy and sober future.