Santa Ana Alcohol and Heroin Rehab - California(CA) Addiction TreatmentOrange County’s Santa Ana, California (CA) is ranked as the fourth most densely populated city in the nation with nearly 330,000 residents. In spite of recent trends that show crime rates are improving in the city, it still has significant issues with drug abuse. This is why it’s important to have a Santa Ana Alcohol and Heroin Rehab treatment center for your residents to use for recovery.

How California Drug Stats Affect Santa Ana, California

Based on 2013 information provided by Trust for America’s Health, the state reported 10.6 drug-related deaths for every 100,000 people within the state to rank #36 in the nation. What those stats don’t reflect is the fact as many 40,000 emergency room visits per year have been related to drug overdoses in recent years (Justice Policy Statement: Substance Abuse Treatment and Public Safety report for 2008). With important conflicts in reported data, it becomes increasingly important for residents to be aware that quality Santa Ana alcohol and heroin rehab is available in all areas of the state, as well as the rest of the nation.

Getting Detox and Rehab Help for Alcohol and Heroin Addicts in Santa Ana, California

Addiction to alcohol and drugs like heroin, meth and cocaine is actually a life-threatening disease. For local residents, the availability of professional Santa Ana alcohol and heroin rehab is often limited due to population density. A far better solution would be for alcohol and heroin addicts in Santa Ana to seek addiction treatment away from their home territory. After all, home is where their addiction took hold. The chance to get away from the people and places that facilitated the addiction is an important part of creating an environment where recovery in the only focus.

The Recovery Process for Alcohol and Heroin Abuse

Addiction treatment is a two-step process. The first step involves the all-important detox process where addicts are medically treated for their physical dependence on substances. After that comes rehab treatment where intensive counseling and group therapy are used to help addicts come to grips with their disease. They also learn about the importance of resisting the temptation to use through the use of support groups and the ability to avoid triggers.

As an addict living in Santa Ana, California, you hopefully understand the importance of finding an addiction treatment center that offers you the best chance for recovery. After all, you can’t do it all on your own. If you’re ready to fight and willing to travel, the right solution for your recovery is only one phone call away. Call Beaches Recovery today at 904.615.6361 and get find out how you can overcome your addiction.