Young woman getting back her health and wellness as well as recovery from drug abuse.

An addiction can lead to financial problems, relationship issues, and problems at work. Worse still, having an addiction can hurt the individual’s overall health and wellness. Over time, substance abuse disorders can hurt the individual’s physical, mental and emotional health. With the right care and support, patients can begin safer, healthier lives.

How Does an Addiction Hurt Health and Wellness?

Over time, substance abuse can severely hurt someone’s physical health and wellness. Often, individuals suffer from cardiovascular disease, cancer, lung ailments and strokes because of their addiction. Drugs that are inhaled can destroy nerve cells in the brain and the peripheral nervous system.

Some addictions like alcoholism can cause severe liver and kidney damage. Intravenous drug users are at a higher risk of contracting hepatitis B, HIV, and hepatitis C. Individuals may suffer from constipation, stomach pain, diarrhea or vomiting. They may have heart rate irregularities, seizures, appetite changes, insomnia or problems regulating their body temperature.

Luckily, some of these medical problems can be prevented or alleviated by getting treatment. While some of the physical effects are irreversible, other ailments will start to heal if the patient stops using drugs and alcohol.

What Are the Mental Effects of Substance Abuse Disorders?

When most people think of health and wellness, they think of the human body. In reality, addictions can affect mental health and wellness as well. When someone develops an addiction, their mind becomes used to having the drug present. If the drug is removed, the individual experiences psychological withdrawal symptoms.

Sometimes, people use drugs to cope with stress and negative emotions. This creates a situation where they crave the drug whenever they experience negative emotions. They may also experience mental side effects like mood swings, paranoia, hallucinations, confusion, aggressive behaviors, and anxiety. Many people who have an addiction stop feeling pleasure from everyday, normal life.

Over time, the mind develops a tolerance to the drug. This means the patient needs more and more of the substance to feel normal. If they try to quit using alone, they may have physical and mental symptoms that trigger them to use again.

What Treatments Can Help?

The first goal of any treatment program is to remove the physical addiction to drugs. Pati

ents start by detoxing from drugs and alcohol at a detox center. Afterward, patients can get health and wellness treatment such as:

During detox, the patient is continuously supervised to prevent severe withdrawal symptoms and relapse. They also receive trauma-based therapy and dual diagnosis treatment to target the underlying causes of the addiction.

Handling Cravings and Triggers

Some patients will experience a craving years after they quit using. At a rehab center, patients learn how to avoid and manage triggers. Techniques like mindfulness meditation, yoga therapy, and art therapy help manage cravings immediately and in the future. With the right addiction education, patients can learn how to handle the cravings and triggers that make them want to use again.

Each patient’s addiction is unique, so the top treatment centers offer individualized programs. This allows patients to get the exact blend of medical care, therapy, and treatments that they need to recover. From dual diagnosis care to fitness therapy, patients get exactly what they need to recover. Some of the health and wellness options available in treatment at Beaches Recovery include programs such as:

If not treated, an addiction can hurt your physical and mental health. With the right treatment options, you can begin your journey toward a healthy recovery. To find out how rehab centers can help you recover from an addiction, call Beaches Recovery today at 8666050532 today.