Avoid Your Local Royal Palm Beach, FL Drug Treatment ProgramIf you live in Royal Palm Beach and you’re seeking a FL drug treatment program, you may be focusing exclusively on rehab centers in your local area. This is a natural tendency, but it isn’t necessarily the right choice. Heading away from Royal Palm Beach for your FL drug treatment could be enormously beneficial. Take a closer look at some of the most convincing reasons to head out of town for Royal Palm Beach FL drug treatment.

Relapse Rates May be Higher After Royal Palm Beach FL Drug Treatment

As many as 40 to 60% of the people who complete a drug rehab program relapse at some point. Addiction is an illness, and treatment isn’t always effective the first time. However, there are ways to increase the chance of success and decrease the likelihood of relapse in the future. One of those ways is to attend a drug rehab center away from Royal Palm Beach, if that’s where you live.

Statistics show that patients who attend a FL drug treatment program in their home town and more likely to relapse than those who venture outside of their comfort zone. To increase your chance of successful sobriety for a lifetime, consider a FL drug treatment program that is at least a few hours from home.

Chance of Program Completion is Reduced at Home

One of the key reasons not to attend a drug treatment program close to home is that it can lower your chance of completing the program successfully. Why? Because if you have somewhere to go nearby, you’re more likely to leave.

Rehab is a difficult process, and there will absolutely be moments where you feel challenged. If you have friends and family nearby or a home to go to, you are more likely to leave. Unfortunately, those who leave are unlikely to come back to complete the remainder of the program, and attempting to rehabilitate yourself will likely be unsuccessful.

Friends and Family May Prove to be a Distraction

Having friends and family that support you as you begin drug treatment is wonderful, and they can be helpful in a number of ways. During rehab, however, having friends and family nearby can actually be a distraction. Even family therapy, when it’s implemented, only takes place toward the end of rehab.

Local FL Drug Treatment Puts Temptation Just Minutes Away

Staying in Royal Palm Beach for drug treatment means that all the familiar temptations you’re used to dealing with will stay nearby. In most cases, this is a bad thing, as it can increase cravings and make it more likely that you give in. Heading just a few hours away may make a big difference, because you won’t have ready access to drugs and friends who use them.

Heading Away From Royal Palm Beach FL Drug Treatment Means Better Opportunities

Another important factor to consider is whether the local drug treatment options are the right fit for your recovery. You deserve the best as you take back control over your life, and you shouldn’t settle for a facility that isn’t well-suited for your needs. Some of the key things to look for might include:

  • Group counseling
  • Individual therapy
  • Fitness, sports, art and music therapies
  • Numerous levels of care
  • Facilities to handle a range of addiction types
  • Dual diagnosis treatment options
  • The ability to accept a wide range of insurance types

Sticking with Royal Palm Beach FL Drug Treatment may be a mistake. Head north to Jacksonville instead, where you’ll find Beaches Recovery. Call 8666050532 to learn more about the facility and why leaving home for drug treatment could be the best decision you ever make.