Living a life wrapped up in an addiction is one of the most difficult things you can try to do. When you are ready to kick your addiction, it’s imperative that you get the best treatment possible. If you live in or near Tennessee and suffer from an addiction, you need to be aware that Tennessee drug rehab centers may not be able to offer you what you need. With that in mind, take a look at other alternatives.

Drug Stats in Tennessee

Wide-eyed woman in a tunnel at night asks if a Tennessee drug rehab centers have what she needs to recover.

There seems to be a direct correlation between the quality of drug rehabs in a certain state and the number of drug-related fatalities that occur. In Tennessee, the drug culture is deeply rooted. According to data released in 2013 by the Centers for Disease Control, Tennessee was the 10th worst state in the country for drug fatalities. They claim statistics of 16.9 people per every 100,000 people of the state’s population.

That number is noteworthy because it indicates that Tennessee drug rehab centers may not be as effective as they should be. Given what’s at stake, any Tennessee resident suffering from addiction might want to consider other alternatives.

Why Tennessee Drug Rehab Centers May Not Represent the Best Treatment Option

In a state with deep-rooted drug issues, the better rehab centers are usually impacted by a waiting list. If you can’t get in, you can’t get help. That leaves you with the option of settling for inferior care or looking elsewhere.

Another consideration should be your proximity to the people, places, and things that feed your drug addiction. You probably want to remove yourself from any interference that might stand in your way of focusing on treatment. If you want to get the most out of addiction treatment and therapy, you probably need to get away from home. With your future and maybe your life on the line, you need the best care possible.

Beaches Recovery–An Alternative to Tennessee Drug Rehab Centers

The best possible solution to dealing with your addiction would be relocating to a drug addiction treatment center. In Jacksonville, FL, Beaches Recovery is staffed by quality counselors and doctors who care about getting you the help you need. If detox is in the cards, they can send you to a reputable Florida detox center that has had great success preparing patients for treatment.

By the time you get to Beaches Recovery center, you’ll immediately start to realize why we feel we have so much more to offer than most Tennessee drug rehab centers. While located in the “drug rehab capital of the world,” we must maintain high standards to compete is the area,

Our Services

Unlike many Tennessee drug rehab centers, we offer a wide variety of treatment options. Each one is designed to educate you about your addiction. We also want to give you the life skills and tools you will need to stay clean on the outside. Our treatment plans include:

You want to get out from under the cloud of addiction. You have the power to take the first step towards recovery. If you can admit you have an insidious illness and need help, you will find that Beaches Recovery and our staff are only a phone call away at 8666050532. Making that simple phone call could very well be the difference between putting your life at risk, or getting the chance to face your issues with a great chance of recovery and a better life.