Once someone decides to get addiction treatment, there are many types of psychotherapy options counselors can use. Treating a psychological dependence on drugs and alcohol takes time. With the right detox and rehab program, clients can start their journey toward a healthier, happier life.

Types of Psychotherapy Options at Treatment Centers

Group sessions are just one of the types of psychotherapy used at rehabs.The most basic types of psychotherapy treatment during rehab are individual, family, and group therapy. In individual therapy, the client gets sessions one or more times a week with a therapist. They can work with the therapist to create a treatment plan for their continuing addiction treatment.

In group therapy, clients take part in a therapeutic group. In this environment, they can explore issues related to their recovery. They get and give peer support as they learn more about their own addiction.

When someone has an addiction, it takes a toll on all aspects of their life. Whole families often suffer from addictions. In a family therapy session, the client works with their significant other, sibling, child or parent. The client gets a chance to rebuild these relationships. Family therapy helps to support the client’s ongoing recovery and heal families

Experiential Therapy

Experiential therapy options help clients process their emotions. They get an opportunity to express their creativity while working through feelings that develop during recovery. While each program is different, many rehabs offer options including:

Trauma Therapy

Many individuals use drugs and alcohol to treat emotional or mental disorders. If the individual suffered a trauma in the past, they may be self-medicating with drugs. To become sober, they have to work through these traumatic experiences. Clients work through many types of psychotherapy including dialectical behavioral therapy, trauma therapy or EMDR therapy.

Recover for Life Options

The goal of rehab is to treat the addiction and prevent a relapse. With this in mind, many programs offer psycho-educational and didactic groups. These programs use evidence-based materials, group discussions and interactive options to help clients with the psychological dependence on drugs or alcohol. Depending on the rehab program, clients can get help through options such as:

Addiction treatment is a process. After clients have finished rehab, there are many options to support their ongoing recovery. Life skills classes, sober living programs, and outpatient treatment can help clients remain sober after rehab.

Individualized Treatment Programs

With an individualized program, each client gets the help they need. Therapists tailor each program to the customized plan that the client needs. Clients may get help for past traumas, family problems, and co-occurring mental disorders. These types of psychotherapy programs help to fight against a relapse and improve the client’s chances of success.

One important therapy program is dual diagnosis treatment. A number of people who suffer from mental health disorders use drugs to self-medicate. To stay sober, patients must treat the underlying mental disorder as well as the addiction. In the right rehabilitation program, staff members can treat the client’s addiction and underlying mental disorder.

When entering treatment, clients can choose between inpatient and outpatient treatment. In an inpatient program, the client stays at the rehab center all the time. They receive intensive, individualized care. Outpatient programs only require the client to be there for a portion of the day. Afterward, they return to their normal lives and responsibilities. While an inpatient program offers more intensive care, some clients need the extra flexibility of an outpatient program.

No one deserves to live with the pain of an addiction. If you or a loved one suffers from an addiction, help is available. At the right treatment center, you can get the support and care you need. To find out how Beaches Recovery can help you become sober, call us today at 866.605.0532.