The most commonly abused prescription drugs are opiates.Did you know that opiates found in commonly abused prescription drugs and heroin share a similar point of origin? If you knew that a pain medication was on par with a powerfully addictive narcotic, would you still take it? It is tempting to say that addiction to the opiate-containing medication could never happen to you, but can you really be sure?

Opioid Prescription Numbers Continue to Rise in the United States

The National Institute on Drug Abuse explains that pain-treating medications of the opioid class continue to reach patients at increasing levels. Compared to 1991, when patients received about 76 million prescriptions, in 2010 this number increased to 210 million. At the forefront of these drugs are oxycodone and hydrocodone, with the latter being more popular. You may know them better under their common labels of OxyContin and Vicodin.

Altering the Way You Take Commonly Abused Prescription Drugs

Pharmaceutical companies design these drugs to mask feelings of pain and replace them with a comfortable drowsiness. In some patients, however, the opioid intake results in a euphoric feeling. Researchers conclude that this response has to do with the drug’s effects on certain areas of the brain that release chemicals associated with feelings of reward after an accomplishment. By artificially triggering these brain responses, the patient now becomes addicted to feeling good with little effort.

It is important to note that those suffering from an addiction to commonly abused prescription drugs do not necessarily swallow the pills as intended by the manufacturer. Instead, they have found that snorting or injecting liquid hydrocodone can make the drug’s effect come on faster and stronger. The same goes for oxycodone.

Do You or a Loved One Battle an Addiction?

It is a clear warning sign that you may have an addiction problem if you ingest commonly abused prescription drugs in ways that are off-label. But aside from this drastic change in behavior, are there other warning signs?

In fact, there are a number of indicators that you or a loved one may be developing an addiction.

  • Drug-seeking behavior. You visit multiple doctors to receive prescriptions for painkillers. You may be using aliases.
  • Prescription theft. In the past, you may have asked friends or family members whether they have any unused pain medications. Now, you visit friends and secretly check out their medicine cabinets to steal some pills.
  • Emergency room visits. Drug interactions with alcohol and over the counter medications frequently happen with commonly abused prescription drugs. In some situations, the reactions are sufficiently worrisome that they lead to emergency room visits or hospitalization.

Although a discussion involving opiates frequently focuses on the substances mentioned above, other products also fall under this category. For example, did you know that codeine and dextromethorphan meet the qualifications for commonly abused prescription drugs? You may have them in your medicine cabinet right now for cough and cold relief.

Getting Help is Possible

You don’t have to allow an addiction to commonly abused prescription drugs rob you of another day. High-quality rehab programs assist you with referrals to a detox center where a medically supervised withdrawal minimizes cravings and discomfort. From there, the rehab facility focuses on preparing you for a life without addiction.

You learn how to handle stressors, when to reach out for assistance, and what forms of pain relief are available so that you’ll never have to reach for commonly abused prescription drugs again. When you call 8666050532 today, you speak to qualified, friendly experts who want to help you on the road to healing and recovery. Don’t tell yourself it’s too late. In fact, today is exactly the right day to get help. Make the call!