Young man with hands to temples noticing the physical dependence of drugs in headache.We have all witnessed the physical dependence one might suffer due to drugs and/or alcohol. However, many people forget is there’s a mental component to dependency. That’s correct, there is a mental or psychological dependency that forms when drugs and/or alcohol are used for an extended period of time. With that said, the distinction between these two forms of dependency is quite small.

What is Mental and Physical Dependence?

Before we move on, it’s important to understand what is meant by dependency. Physical dependence is formed over a period of time. When someone is abusing narcotics or other harmful substances, they take the amount that’s necessary to get the desired effect. As the body adjusts its tolerance to a given substance, a larger amount of the substance becomes necessary to get the same high. Any interruption in the flow of these substances will result in painful changes within the body’s function. Withdrawal symptoms appear when an individual stops taking drugs or alcohol that the body is used to.

In reality, mental dependence is nothing more than the psychological belief that drugs and/or alcohol are necessary in order to avoid those painful withdrawal symptoms. As the addiction takes hold, the individual becomes acutely aware of the notion that they need the drugs or alcohol to function normally. Any cessation of the use of their substance of choice will result in negative physical and mental problems, which they want to avoid at all costs. As a result, the physical dependence creates the mental dependence. This is one of the key signs of addiction.

Dealing With the Withdrawal Symptoms Related to Mental and Physical Dependence

The reality of mental and physical dependence becomes most apparent when an addict stops using. The extent of the withdrawal symptoms is directly related to the depth of the dependency. The longer that an addiction has been ongoing, the more serious the addiction and withdrawal become.

Given the painful nature of withdrawal symptoms, we understand why people avoid “kicking the habit.” The choice to subject oneself to pain and danger is not taken lightly. However, these feelings are mostly irrational. Detox treatments effectively offset the painful nature of withdrawal symptoms. Unfortunately, even with this knowledge, many users are scared of the dangers behind withdrawal.

Getting Treatment at Beaches Recovery

With a progressive addiction, there will be two necessary components to treatment. First, a detox program will start the recovery process, This will definitely be the case if the addiction is deeply rooted to substances like alcohol, methamphetamine, painkillers or heroin. Please note, Beaches Recovery of Jacksonville, Florida, does not offer an in-house detox option. However, we do maintain relationships with some very reputable local detox centers.

What we do best is treat addiction, which can only occur when the patient is ready, willing and able. Our process includes a wide range of treatment options, all designed to teach our patients the truths about addiction. We also aim to equip them with the life skills they will need for continued abstinence. Our treatment options include:

If you are prepared to break your cycle of addiction, you can take comfort in knowing our counselors at Beaches Recovery are ready to help. The phone call you place to 8666050532 is the first step. By working closely with our professional staff, you stand an excellent chance of finding the road to recovery. A better way of living can be yours.