Group support is a great way of staying sober after rehab.It’s commonly said that staying sober is much more difficult than getting sober. Anyone who suffers from chronic relapse knows this to be true. Many people who struggle with alcoholism or drug addiction have wanted to stay sober, and some people are able to get clean and sober for days, weeks or months. Then, something happens which lead this sober person having judgmental thoughts or that there’s no way out of a situation. In most cases, a person tries to get sober on their own or with the support of their family, and this is not the best way to stay sober. In order to enjoy the best success of long-term sobriety, a recovery group is the answer.

Staying Sober on Your Own Doesn’t Work

What many people fail to realize about staying sober is that they’re relying on the same brain that gets them into bad situations. Alcohol and drugs are only a symptom of the disease of addiction. Most of the problem lies in the way a person thinks and responds to life. Self-will isn’t successful for anyone who struggles with drug or alcohol addiction, and a chain events can lead to a relapse quickly or sometimes even slowly. Without even realizing it, the decisions a person makes may be setting them up for failure weeks or months later.

This is why 12-step programs are often encouraged as a form of an addiction recovery group. When getting involved with fellowships like Narcotics Anonymous or Alcoholics Anonymous, you’re able to surround yourself with people who have all lengths of sobriety, as well as people with years of experience staying sober. You’re able to bounce ideas off people before you make your own decisions to begin thinking in a new way. Some of the questions you can ask people in a recovery group for help in early recovery can include:

  • Should I go hang out with my friends who still drink and use?
  • What should I do when I get a craving?
  • My biggest trigger is when my spouse yells at me. How can I deal with it sober?

Staying Sober Involves More Than Just Your Family

A common mistake people make is they believe the love and support of their family is what’s going to keep them sober. There are a few issues with this type of thinking. Although a family may be extremely supportive, they may not be the best people to be your support group. The problem is that if your family members have never had a problem with drinking or using, they’re not going to understand your thought process in the same way they didn’t understand in your active addiction. People also fail to realize that sometimes their family is their biggest trigger, so relying on your trigger to keep you sober doesn’t make for a good combination.

Learning the Power of a Support Group

At Beaches Recovery, we’re going to introduce you to the power of a support group through group therapy as well as an introduction to 12-step programs. Here, you’ll begin to see that you’re not alone in the way you think or feel and there are others who have been through it. You’ll start to see that being around others who are overcoming their struggles with addiction is one of the best ways for you to stay sober and learn about relapse prevention. Not only will you find that your peers in treatment are helping you, but you’ll begin to have a sense of purpose when you begin to see how you’re helping others as well. If you’d like more information about our treatment programs and how to stay sober after treatment, give call today at 8666050532.