Substance abuse evaluation takes place before you go into rehab, or at the very start of rehab for addiction. This assessment provides a clear understanding of your addictions and other life problems you may face. Through a quality substance abuse evaluation, treatment professionals form your individual treatment plan. So this is a positive test, one you need to approach honestly for the best results.

What is a Substance Abuse Evaluation?Two people engaging in a substance abuse evaluation before rehab.

A substance abuse evaluation is a diagnostic interview. You may be inclined to call it a test. But, the reality is, a substance abuse evaluation is an honest discussion of your substance abuse and addiction with someone who can help you turn your life around.

The interviewer in a substance abuse evaluation is usually an addiction specialist, therapist, nurse, or doctor. This person reviews your medical history, and the results of your addiction screening to understand your substance abuse. The interview is either structured or unstructured, just like any other interview.

A structured substance abuse evaluation provides less detail than an unstructured one. But, the structure helps keep the interview focused and on track, particularly for interviewers who are not doctors or highly experienced in addiction. Someone with a stronger background in addiction treatment can execute an unstructured evaluation, without specific questions, using time with you like a dialogue.

You may even take your substance abuse assessment online or start the process through an online questionnaire for face-to-face follow-up. During the person-to-person interview, your evaluator uses answers to any written questions to dive deeper into your substance abuse background. Several people may evaluate you in an attempt to fully understand your addiction and provide the best treatment approach.

From the beginning to the end of your addiction evaluation, remember that the evaluator is there to help you. They want to accurately assess your condition and provide an accurate diagnosis. Your answers form a framework for your substance abuse treatments.

Your family or friends may participate in your addiction evaluation. Of course, this doesn’t happen without your prior consent. But, these people know you better than anyone and can give another perspective on your addiction history through their own observations.

An Evaluation Before Rehab Treatment

The most common reason for an addiction assessment is to start rehab. The rehab staff needs to understand your needs. The facility’s team of professionals usually conduct the assessment, often on the first day of entry to the facility or program.

Treatment professionals should identify your co-occurring conditions, if any exist, for the possibility of full recovery from addiction. Co-occurring disorders are mental health issues like depression or anxiety that accompany substance abuse or lead people to addiction. You can experience maximum benefit from rehab when both of your conditions, addiction, and mental illness, gain treatment at the same time. These conditions feed off each other, so not treating both leads to probable relapse.

Always remember that everything you say or provide in an addiction evaluation is confidential. You do not get “into trouble” from the way you answer. Instead, the more honest you are, the more precise your treatment plan will be for your best chance at recovery.

Sometimes an addiction assessment is used in court proceedings. If caught drunk driving, in possession of drugs, publicly intoxicated, or using a false ID, courts may require you to participate in an addiction evaluation.

Your Rehab Success Relies on an Addiction Evaluation

Going through an addiction evaluation is an important part of your rehab success. You may feel ashamed, embarrassed or resentful during your evaluation, due to the personal nature of some of the questions. Or you may fear the outcome of your answers. But, an addiction assessment is nothing to fear. It is an important tool for your recovery.

Beaches Recovery in Jacksonville, Florida provides an addiction assessment as you enter detox and rehab treatment. At Beaches, your assessment determines the right level of care for your needs, as well as the shape of your individual treatment plan. Levels of care at Beaches Recovery include:

Start your rehab off right for your best chance of recovery. Be honest with your Beaches Recovery professionals for the rehab experience you need. Call Beaches Recovery now at 866.605.0532. Making this call is your first step into a better life.