What is lean drink?

What is Lean Drink?

The legal and illicit substances people use to experience a high are ever-changing. New combinations and more purified forms of drugs can be confusing to keep track of. One such combination of drugs is a drink called Lean. You may have heard the term and wondered, “What is lean drink?” Do you know someone who…

example of mixing Tylenol

Should I Take Tylenol with Codeine?

Tylenol is a household name. Drug stores and groceries sell it over the counter as a temporary pain relief medication. In this form, people might consider Tylenol to be harmless. But as a prescribed medication, Tylenol gets an additional boost from another substance. Doctors prescribe Tylenol with codeine for the treatment of higher levels of…

codeine pills

Are Codeine Pills Addictive?

Codeine is typically prescribed to patients that need relief from mild to moderate coughing and pain. When taken as directed, it may not be harmful to the user. But if it’s abused, people who take codeine pills can develop an addiction. It’s possible to get help for a codeine addiction, no matter how long someone…

how much purple drank will kill you

How Much Purple Drank Will Kill You?

Starting in the 1990s, twenty-somethings devised a new way to get high and create health issues in the process. This special party concoction has mind-altering effects to go along with some other desirable side effects. Unfortunately, this same man-made concoction has some very destructive properties that include being highly addictive and prone to overdose. With…

purple drank effect

What is the Purple Drank Effect?

We, as a society, can pass laws against every drug or drug concoction on the planet. It doesn’t matter. People will always come up with something new to dazzle the mind and hurt the body. The purple drank effect is a fairly new endeavor in the world of man-made substances. For all its wonderful mind-altering…