image symbolizing NA key tags color meaning

NA Key Tags Color Meaning: Each Color Defined

When thinking about addiction treatment, 12-step programs are one of the first things that come to mind for most. The 12-step approach was first introduced in 1935 through Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Because of its effectiveness, the 12-step program philosophy has served as the foundation for countless rehab programs. Through the years, AA has been adapted…

A vet thinking about military discharge for drug use

Life After Military Discharge for Drug Use

Substance abuse in the military can have significant consequences for individuals, their units, and overall military preparedness. Regular drug testing, education and prevention programs, and support services are among the policies and programs the military has in place to address substance abuse.Drug abuse is generally considered a violation of military regulations, and the way it…

Image of a veteran overcoming prescription pill abuse

How To Support a Veteran Overcoming Prescription Pill Abuse

Prescription drug abuse among veterans has become a growing concern, with many struggling to overcome their addiction. These veterans may have initially been prescribed medication to cope with a physical or emotional injury sustained during their service, but their use of prescription pills has spiraled out of control. It’s difficult to see your loved one…

A woman worried about the signs of meth abuse

What are the Signs of Meth Abuse?

Meth is short for methamphetamines. Some of these drugs have medicinal uses such as for weight loss or the treatment of ADHD. Crystal meth is an illicit chemical substance that mimics the legal drug’s effects. It’s possible to form an addiction to either drug, but could you recognize the signs of meth abuse or the…

A woman who wants to know how to stop smoking weed

How Can I Stop Smoking Weed?

Smoking weed is becoming more prevalent in our society today. With some states now passing laws to legalize the recreational use of marijuana, its potential for addiction rises with it. The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that approximately 30% of marijuana users develop some disorder or addiction. That’s why people who use it need…

A man very concerned about cocaine overdose symptoms

What Are Cocaine Overdose Symptoms?

Cocaine is a potent drug the effects of which can be very taxing on an individual’s body. Like many illicit drugs, a cocaine overdose can be fatal. Therefore, the sooner you can identify an overdose and get the user help, then the better off they will be. If you recognize cocaine overdose symptoms, then you…

An upset man who has been smoking meth

How to Tell If Someone is Smoking Meth

Having a close friend, spouse, or relative who is struggling with meth abuse can be extremely difficult. Naturally, you’ll want to help this individual recover in any way you can. But first, of course, you’ll want to be sure that this individual is actually smoking meth. A false accusation could cause a serious rift in…

Woman experiencing the stages of drug addiction

What Are the Stages of a Drug Addiction?

A substance use disorder isn’t something you planned on developing. However, you can’t say that you didn’t see it coming either. There are stages of drug addiction. In retrospect, they’re quite clear.Do you want to learn more about drug and alcohol addiction? If so, call us today at 866.605.0532.Trying Something NewMany don’t realize that the…

Several people discussing the question, "What is methamphetamine?"

What Is Methamphetamine? Understanding the Dangers of This Addictive Drug

Methamphetamines are highly addictive stimulant drugs. The street version, called meth or crystal meth, is made illegally in unsanitary underground labs. Cooked by individuals who have no formal pharmaceutical training and little knowledge of keeping labs sanitary, the meth produced is extremely dangerous. This type of meth uses dangerous compounds that can injure or kill…