A man wondering, "What is sobriety?"

Understanding Sobriety and What It Means

The goal of all addiction recovery is sobriety. Yet this can look different for each person as every individual in recovery has to determine their own path towards healing. So, what is the definition of sobriety? Many people think sobriety means total abstinence from using drugs or alcohol. Others believe in control and moderation. Because…

Stressed out young man sitting in a park

Do You Want to Know How to Stop Smoking Crack?

When someone asks how to stop smoking crack, you could just say to quit using it, right? After all, this line of thinking would work well for other situations. In the case of crack cocaine, it doesn’t. In fact, getting off the drug takes a concerted effort.Withdrawal Symptoms of Crack CocaineYour brain chemistry quickly grows…

An upset man who has been smoking meth

How to Tell If Someone is Smoking Meth

Having a close friend, spouse, or relative who is struggling with meth abuse can be extremely difficult. Naturally, you’ll want to help this individual recover in any way you can. But first, of course, you’ll want to be sure that this individual is actually smoking meth. A false accusation could cause a serious rift in…

What is lean drink?

What is Lean Drink?

The legal and illicit substances people use to experience a high are ever-changing. New combinations and more purified forms of drugs can be confusing to keep track of. One such combination of drugs is a drink called Lean. You may have heard the term and wondered, “What is lean drink?” Do you know someone who…

MDMA to lose weight

Why You Shouldn’t Use MDMA to Lose Weight

MDMA or Methylenedioxymethamphetamine is more commonly known as Ecstasy. Primarily, Ecstasy is used as a party or recreational drug. Its effects almost instantly cause euphoria and overall heightened senses. Using MDMA to lose weight is another common practice.In fact, Ecstasy was originally developed as a weight loss aid. Today, even though it is mainly used…

some thc pills

Are THC Pills Dangerous?

Throughout the country, states are struggling with the pros and cons related to the legalization of marijuana. While the medicinal benefits of pot seem harmless enough, it still contains THC. For people who don’t want to smoke medical marijuana, doctors prescribe THC in pill form. Also, they provide a more predictable dose than other methods…

a group of people in an outpatient care center in jacksonville florida

Outpatient Care Center in Jacksonville, Florida

The importance of treatment is what drives top treatment centers like Beaches Recovery to develop multiple treatment options. The reality is that all addiction patients have unique circumstances. It’s not feasible that all of them can submit to a residential treatment program. An outpatient care center provides the best alternative for those who can’t or…

poker chips

What Are Process Addictions?

Are you struggling with a different kind of addiction? Feel like there is no hope? Addiction is typically related to the abuse of alcohol or drugs, but we at Beaches Recovery know there are other addictions that have just as many long-term negative effects on the lives of their abusers. These can include gambling, exercise,…

woman sitting looking at wine

Alcohol and Anxiety Don’t Mix Well

Life presents many anxious situations and circumstances. How we deal with them varies considerably. Sometimes, we seek to avoid dealing with the difficulties we face in our lives. As a result, anxiety and alcohol use (and abuse) often go hand in hand.People may self-medicate by drinking to calm anxious feelings (or shut them out entirely).…