a person pouring out pills wondering the difference of opiates vs opioids

Opiates vs. Opioids: What is the Difference?

What is the difference between opiates vs. opioids? All opiates are opioids, but not all opioids are opiates. Opioids refer to substances that act on the brain’s opiate receptors. Opiates are natural alkaloids found in the opium poppy that act on the brain’s opiate receptors. If you are suffering from opioid addiction, an opiate addiction…

Learn About Fentanyl vs Heroin.

Learn About Fentanyl vs Heroin

The opiate addiction epidemic facing Americans today has the potential to ravage an entire generation of people. For decades, the nation has seen flare-ups of heroin abuse. At this time, we are again experiencing the same issue. However, there’s a more evil opiate substance starting to make heroin look like cough syrup. On the streets,…