Man experiencing the signs of a drinking problem

What are the Signs of a Drinking Problem?

If you are having difficulty controlling your drinking, you may be wondering what are the signs of a drinking problem? Having problems quitting drinking on your own is a sign that you may have a drinking problem. However, it isn’t the only indication you may struggle with alcohol addiction. To better understanding what are the…

man at a bar staring into glass of alcohol wondering Am I An Alcoholic

Am I An Alcoholic?

If you’re questioning whether you’re an alcoholic or not, it may be a sign that your drinking has reached an unhealthy level. So how do you know for sure if you are an alcoholic?Today’s movies and TV shows would have you believe that people with alcohol problems are easy to spot. They’re often portrayed as…

Sad woman through wet window is recovering alcoholic

How to Live With a Recovering Alcoholic

If you have gone through the experience of living with someone who was dealing with alcoholism, you might consider living with that person in recovery to be a breath of fresh air. While it’s obviously a better situation, there are still some things you need to know about living with a recovering alcoholic.Staying DiligentLiving with…