binge drinking on college campuses

Binge Drinking on College Campuses Reaches All-Time High

School is finally out for summer, but it’s never too early to warn about the dangers of binge drinking on college campuses. Binge drinking is the excessive intake of alcohol over short time periods. The typical binge involves gulping down three to five drinks in around two hours. Therefore, young adults become impaired with blood…

teen student rehab

Specifics About a Teen Student Rehab

Teenagers and students have different needs in addiction treatment compared to adults. Along with substance abuse issues and withdrawal, teen student rehab programs often must address education needs, co-occurring disorders and family life. Since many addicted young people do not feel like they need treatment, families usually must stage an intervention.The Importance of Teen Student…

teen drug addictions

3 Most Common Teen Drug Addictions

The reasons for teen drug addictions tend to be as varied as the reasons behind adult addiction. Some teens take drugs or drink alcohol to fit in with a particular social group, while others use them to feel good or to escape underlying mental health problems. Still, others use substances to improve their performance in…

signs of drug use

Clear Signs of Drug Use

If a young, loved one in your life is exhibiting possible signs of drug use, you are not alone. Teen drug abuse is a common problem that many parents face as their children grow older. Fortunately, there are quality drug addiction programs that can help your teen get their life back on track. Comprehensive treatment…