If you live in Charlotte, North Carolina, and suffer from the disease of addiction to drugs and/or alcohol, you might want to contemplate whether you feel you can trust a Charlotte alcohol rehab center. By the time you realize you need help, that will become a serious consideration if you want to recover from your illness. The fact is there are certain issues that might make other alternatives a bit more attractive.

Information Related to Substance Abuse in North Carolina

As recently as 2013, the Centers for Disease Control reported that North Carolina ranked #30 in the nation for deaths related to a drug overdose. The numbers reported showed that 11.4 people for every 100,000 of the state’s population became drug-related fatalities. More recent reports indicate the number is now significantly higher due to a recent heroin epidemic. After factoring in deaths related to alcohol, one has to consider the effectiveness of the drug/alcohol prevention efforts in the state.

When Considering a Charlotte Alcohol Rehab Center

Girl out in field wondering if a Charlotte alcohol rehab center is right for her.

If you are looking for a rehab for alcohol addiction, you are surely considering a Charlotte alcohol rehab center. Before you make a final decision, you should take a moment and consider some other alternatives and the issues at hand.

While it might be convenient to choose a Charlotte alcohol rehab center, it might not be the best or safest choice. Charlotte and the people in your life were most likely part of your life while fighting the cycle of addiction. Doesn’t it make sense that choosing a rehab away from the temptation and stress would be a reasonable idea? Your task is to focus solely on treatment and recovery without interference from those outside sources.

Consider this option. Jacksonville, Florida is a couple hours’ drive away from Charlotte. Jacksonville also happens to sit in the “rehab capital of the world.” Beaches Recovery is a top rehab center in the Jacksonville area. All other things being equal, there’s an excellent chance you can get better care and treatment without interference by choosing our rehab facility. The difference in your treatment will surely affect the level of your recovery.

Your recovery from addiction should be the most important thing in your life. It’s perhaps the only thing that is going to save your life. Why settle for a Charlotte alcohol rehab center when one of the nation’s best rehabs in a region known for recovery success is at your doorstep?

Choosing Beaches Recovery Over a Charlotte Alcohol Rehab Center

Our Beaches Recovery center is staffed by a group of licensed, professional counselors and clinicians who understand addiction. Their job is to guide you through a designated treatment program that will set you firmly on the road to recovery from your addiction.

If necessary and based on the depth of your addiction, you could be sent to a reputable alcohol detox center in the area. After clearing your mind and body from the effects of alcohol and/or drugs, you would be placed in one of our following treatment programs:

The tragedy of addiction doesn’t come from the abuse, but from not doing something about it before it’s too late. If you are ready to admit you are in the throes of an addiction and need help, Beaches Recovery is ready to assist you. By contacting us at 8666050532, you can take the first step towards recovery. With our combined efforts, there’s every reason to believe you can arrest your addiction and start leading a normal life again.