The process of getting through rehab is complicated. It requires the patient to remain focused at all times towards the primary goal–recovery from alcoholism. In the end, the measure of success will depend on the recovering alcoholic’s ability to stay sober through life situations. Unfortunately, far too many people fail the initial test when they get a visit from their old friend alcohol. Alcohol relapse can be very disappointing, but it’s not the end of the world. The individual’s new measure of success will be in how they deal with the alcohol relapse.

The First Drink of Alcohol After Rehab

It’s impossible to fully understand what goes on in the heads of others. After exiting rehab, most people expect that they will be able to stay sober. Unfortunately, it only takes one drink of alcohol to derail that train.

The recovering alcoholic’s failure to avoid that first drink is usually attributable to their inability to avoid triggers and temptations. It might be because they didn’t dial up the right coping skills for recovery or perhaps, new negative stimuli got in the way. Regardless, the next move they make will likely be the most important move made in their life.

Dealing With Alcohol Relapse

Man in front of shot glass wonders how he got to alcohol relapseWhen someone “falls off the wagon,” they need to maintain hope. Truthfully, they are in a far better situation than when they first got sober. They actually know what it’s going to take to get back on the road to recovery. That’s a big deal because it removes a lot of the unknowns.

The step back has to be towards rehab. There’s apparently something in the treatment process that didn’t register the first time. Remember, it’s not fair to look at it as a failure. The truth is a lot of people have an alcohol relapse. It’s just a matter going back to rehab and getting more of what they got before. Believe it or not, many people go through treatment multiple times before the light switch goes on.

With that said, a returning patient must avoid feeling shame. They have to remember they suffer from a relentless disease. If they can keep that perspective, getting back into treatment mode will be significantly easier.

What it Takes to Say Goodbye to Alcohol

Avoiding alcohol would be infinitely easier if drinking wasn’t so prevalent in our society. Unfortunately, it’s not practical for a recovering alcoholic to stick their head in the sand as if drinking doesn’t exist. Avoiding alcohol comes down to the lessons one learns in treatment.

A revisit to rehab offers the patient more time to learn those lessons. They can delve deeper into the causes of addiction and work harder to develop meaningful coping skills. Also, they get the opportunity to learn more about the importance of relapse prevention programs. Programs like AA and sober living are there to support recovering alcoholics who feel unsure about their recovery. If someone is struggling, they need to use any available resources to stay sober.

What Beaches Recovery Has to Offer

Our Beaches Recovery treatment center sits in Jacksonville, Florida. Of course, we have seen our share of returning patients due to an alcohol relapse. We are neither disappointed nor discouraged. Our counselors just get back to work helping the individual gain strength and get back to recovery. For anyone who might be considering our help for the first time, here’s a shortlist of our services:

If you have recently succumbed to your cravings for alcohol, you need not feel ashamed or alone. What we ask is that you immediately get in touch with one of our counselors here at Beaches Recovery. If there’s additional work you need to do, we will travel that road with you. It starts with one phone call to 866.605.0532. Working together, we can get you back on track for a recovery that will last a lifetime.