cocaine use symptoms

Undeniable Cocaine Use Symptoms

For generations now, cocaine abuse has been an issue among Americans. While the drug has no medicinal benefits, illicit drug users seem to find never-ending ways to partake of it. For the inexperienced eye, it’s tough to determine when someone has been using the drug. However, the same is not true of someone who has…

an example of addictive crack cocaine

Addictive Effects of Crack Cocaine

Crack cocaine is a highly addictive and powerful illicit stimulant drug, producing an immediate high. It is also easy and cheap to make, which makes it accessible and simple to abuse. This substance has severely negatively impacted individuals and communities. When someone struggles with an addiction to crack cocaine, they struggle with a crippling condition…

drug cocaine

The Drug Cocaine Did Not Disappear with the 80s

Baby boomers will certainly remember the onset of the disco era in the late 1970s and early 1980s. It was a time when America was in transition and liberal values were taking over the country. It’s also the time frame when cocaine became America’s drug of choice. As the new drug flowed free in dance…