mindfulness quotes bring peace

5 Mindfulness Quotes that Create Peace During Addiction Recovery

As many folks soon learn, there’s a great sense of relief when an individual successfully completes an addiction treatment program. As they head out the door of rehab, they hopefully leave with the coping skills for recovery and to avoid relapses. Mindfulness is a great coping skill. For a recovering addict, it makes sense to…

woman with eyes closed at the beach using techniques from Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Therapy

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Therapy

Mindfulness-based stress reduction therapy lets you recognize that you have a choice. You no longer feel like you’re the victim of circumstances. But why does this treatment work so well? How do Beaches Recovery experts integrate it into your personalized rehab?What is Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Therapy?This modality is a combination of guided breathing techniques and…