There are many risks associated with drug abuse of any kind. These risks include overdose and other uncomfortable or deadly side effects. Whatever your drug of choice, you risk many complications today and for years to come. You and your loved ones need to know drug overdose symptoms and how to get the help you need if you want to experience your future.

About Drug OverdoseStrung out woman with drug paraphernalia distressed about possible drug overdose symptoms.

All drug abuse carries the potential of a drug overdose. This is true whether you abuse alcohol, illegal drugs like heroin or cocaine, or prescription medications like opioids. Even over-the-counter medications can lead to a drug overdose when you abuse or overuse them.

For people abusing drugs as part of daily life, the risk of overdose is many times greater than those using medications or alcohol properly. Overdose can be by intent or an accident. Accidental overdoses usually occur when someone takes too much of a prescribed medication or an illegal drug for a better high. An intentional overdose usually represents a suicide attempt.

Regardless of why someone overdoses, it is a tragic end to life unless lifesaving measures work. Overdose is serious, and many lives are forever lost this way. If you or someone you love abuses drugs or alcohol, overdose looms overhead with each dose you take.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse reported that drug overdose deaths rose over 200 percent from 2002 to 2015. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported in 2016 that opioid-related overdose deaths increased by 200 percent since 2000. These statistics are more reason why you need to know drug overdose symptoms.

Drug Overdose Symptoms and Signs

Drug overdose symptoms vary according to the type of drug used. These signs also vary according to how you use the drug and whether it was combined with other substances.

Drug overdose symptoms typically include:

  • Dilated pupils, unsteadiness, disorientation or confusion
  • Chest pain, difficulty breathing or shallow breathing
  • Gurgling sounds of a blocked airway
  • Blue lips or fingers, high body temperature, convulsions or tremors
  • Nausea, vomiting or seizures
  • Violent behavior, aggression, agitation or paranoia
  • Unresponsiveness, unconsciousness or death

Someone experiencing overdose shows a few, several or many of these drug overdose symptoms. Even just a few of these drug overdose symptoms indicate you or your loved one need immediate medical attention.

Risk Factors for Drug Overdose

Drug overdose is a risk of most alcohol or drug abuse. But certain factors increase your risk, including extreme addiction, history of overdose, multi-substance abuse, taking too much of your substance, leaving rehab early, increasing your dose over time, refusal to get emergency medical attention, IV drug use and recent release from prison. You also suffer a greater risk of overdose if you previously attempted suicide, return to drugs after abstinence or have a low tolerance level.

Tolerance means your body becomes accustomed to having your drug or alcohol in your system. You then need more of your drug to feel the same effects. If you keep increasing your dose after tolerance develops, you risk overdose.

Beaches Recovery Treatment Prevents Drug Overdose

Drug overdose is preventable. You simply need addiction treatment, for recovery from drug or alcohol abuse. When you stop using your substances, overdose risk goes away, too. Relapse prevention skills learned in a quality rehab treatment keep you safe from relapse, as long as you practice what you learn.

Beaches Recovery in Jacksonville, Florida provides this detox, rehab, and relapse prevention education. The programs at Beaches Recovery include:

In Jacksonville, you also receive the therapies, education, and support you need for lasting recovery. These therapies include evidence-based therapy practices like dialectical behavioral therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy. A holistic approach, experiential therapies, individual counseling, group therapy and family therapy ensure you gain complete wellness for your new life in recovery.

If you or someone you love need overdose prevention through addiction recovery, call Beaches Recovery now at 866.605.0532. Your addiction cycle and compulsive behavior can end with the right help. So make this call right now.