A vet thinking about military discharge for drug use

Life After Military Discharge for Drug Use

Substance abuse in the military can have significant consequences for individuals, their units, and overall military preparedness. Regular drug testing, education and prevention programs, and support services are among the policies and programs the military has in place to address substance abuse.Drug abuse is generally considered a violation of military regulations, and the way it…

Female vet hearing about mental health and substance abuse in veterans

Understanding Mental Health and Substance Abuse in Veterans

It’s a well-known fact that war and its aftermath can have a significant impact on the mental health of soldiers. Many veterans struggle with mental health issues and substance abuse problems, such as it’s not uncommon to find veterans who’ve turned to drugs and alcohol to numb their pain. Substance abuse can further compound the…

A man learning how to manage anxiety and PTSD as a veteran

How To Manage Anxiety and PTSD as a Veteran

When it comes to serving in the military, many veterans experience a range of symptoms when returning to civilian life. This is known as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and it can trigger anxiety in many ways. Although the journey to recovery can be challenging, there is hope for managing these symptoms. Let’s break down the…

Image of a veteran overcoming prescription pill abuse

How To Support a Veteran Overcoming Prescription Pill Abuse

Prescription drug abuse among veterans has become a growing concern, with many struggling to overcome their addiction. These veterans may have initially been prescribed medication to cope with a physical or emotional injury sustained during their service, but their use of prescription pills has spiraled out of control. It’s difficult to see your loved one…

Veteran thinking about coping strategies for veterans

10 Effective Coping Strategies for Veterans with PTSD

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an incredibly common condition among veterans, affecting up to 30% of veterans who have served in combat. PTSD can significantly impact daily life, relationships, and the ability of veterans to function in society. However, there are many coping strategies available that can help veterans with PTSD manage their symptoms and…

Image symbolizing how alcoholism affects veterans

How Alcoholism Affects Veterans

Alcoholism is a major problem, and it can affect anyone. However, it is especially problematic among veterans. In fact, it is one of the most significant health issues that they face. Alcoholism not only affects veterans’ health but also their social and professional lives. Let’s take a closer look at how alcoholism affects veterans, as…

A vet wanting to know how veterans overcome PTSD

How Can Veterans Overcome PTSD?

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects millions of people every year, particularly soldiers who return from war. For veterans, PTSD can lead to a range of debilitating symptoms, including flashbacks, hypervigilance, anxiety, and depression. There is no easy solution to overcoming PTSD, but there are effective treatments and coping strategies that can help veterans overcome PTSD…