Because alcohol is a legal substance in the United States who are 21 years of age or older, it can sometimes be more difficult to recognize if one struggles with addiction. While alcohol addiction can have many of the same signs as other addictions, there are also crucial differences that it’s helpful to know. Also, the importance of alcohol rehab cannot be understated.

Signs and Symptoms of Alcohol AddictionGroup talks about an alcohol rehab center in Pennsylvania

Like other types of substance use disorders, alcohol addiction is marked by upheaval in the individual’s life that can be traced back to their use of alcohol. Even though alcohol tends to be relied upon as a method of relaxation and is a common addition to parties and gatherings of all types, there are some distinct signs and symptoms that a person is struggling with their use of this addicting substance, including:

  • cravings or urges to drink alcohol
  • becoming tolerant to alcohol’s effects, so more is needed
  • drinking instead of doing other activities such as work or socializing
  • having the desire to reduce the amount or frequency of drinking but being unable to do so
  • drinking in situations that are unsafe such as while swimming or driving
  • having withdrawal symptoms like sweating, shaking, and nausea when alcohol use is reduced
  • continuing to drink even though it is causing social, physical, and/or interpersonal issues

Risk Factors For Alcohol Use Disorder

Several risk factors can make it more likely that an individual could struggle with alcohol use disorder. These include items such as:

  • family history
  • drinking at an early age
  • history of trauma
  • presence of depression and/or other mental health challenges
  • social pressure
  • steadily drinking over time
  • cultural factors

The cultural acceptance of alcohol and its presence in many social activities can make it easy for an individual to see drinking as the norm. While many people can be social drinkers with few issues, others cannot do so. Whether it stems from genetics, environmental issues, mental health problems, or some other cause, some people develop alcohol use disorder.

Complications From Alcohol Use Disorder

When used in moderation, alcohol will likely have minimal effects that often dissipate over the hours or days following its intake. For those people who struggle with drinking too much or too often, though, the complications can be far-reaching and damaging to all their bodily systems.

For many people, stimulation is the first effect of alcohol on their bodies. As more alcohol is ingested, however, the substance’s depressive qualities become more evident.

The brain’s vital operational centers, including those that affect speech, muscle coordination, and reasoning, are especially vulnerable to alcohol. Binge drinking can cause a person to fall into a coma and even result in their death. Combining alcohol with some medications can also cause dangerous or even life-threatening effects.

Treating Alcohol Use Disorder

Many people have the perception that treating alcohol use disorder is as simple as not drinking. For those individuals who have a hard time doing so, this strategy is not one that tends to be successful.

Another barrier to treating alcohol use disorder is the prevalence of the substance in the United States. Not only do people who struggle with drinking too much or too frequently need support when they are trying to stop, but they also must develop strategies that allow them to cope with the continued influx of alcohol-related activities and messages.

This is where alcohol rehab comes in. Professionals whose expertise is in offering the support and resources that individuals need to meet the challenges of no longer drinking are offered to each person at Beaches Recovery. Learn more by contacting us today at 866.605.0532, or contact us online.