Facts About Alcoholic Dementia

Facts About Alcoholic Dementia

Alcohol is a dangerous, addictive substance that is nonetheless legal and socially acceptable in America. Alcohol consumption is often associated with holidays, major life events like weddings, or recreational events like sporting events and parties. It can cause tremendous harm to the body, despite its prevalence in society. While there are a number of symptoms…

How to Help Your Spouse Stop Drinking

How to Help Your Spouse Stop Drinking

You’ve nagged, begged, and argued. Your spouse still has a drinking problem. Do you want to know how to help your spouse stop drinking? Interestingly, many of the techniques can start with you. If you’re wondering how to help your spouse quit drinking, then explore what Beaches Recovery has to offer. Our abstinence-based addiction treatment…

tired worker is a functioning alcoholic

Why Does a Functioning Alcoholic Need Treatment?

While a functioning alcoholic may feel like their addiction is not a problem, they often are unaware of how alcohol affects their life. From long-term health problems to issues at home, alcoholism can cause severe repercussions in an individual’s life. The only way to prevent these problems from happening is to get treatment and stay…