teen drinking and driving

Teen Drinking and Driving Statistics

Are you the parent of a teenager who frequently engages in risky patterns of drinking, such as teen drinking and driving? Are you concerned about your child’s health and future? Unfortunately, this is an all-too-common theme in many American households. The silver lining is that there is a professional teen addiction treatment program that can…

woman sitting on floor looking out window worried about types of addictions

Types of Addictions Aren’t Limited to Drugs

When you hear that someone is suffering from addiction, your first thought is likely that they are addicted to drugs or alcohol. This may be true. But drugs and alcohol are not the only types of addictions that plague people today. They are simply the most commonly experienced forms.Types of AddictionsPeople struggling with drug and…

young woman looking out rainy window wondering is addiction a disease

Is Addiction a Disease or Not?

When beginning the recovery process, one of the things those struggling with addiction first wonder is the question, is addiction a disease? While there are some people who continue to say that willpower and quitting cold turkey are the only options, the real answer is that addiction is a complex disease. It affects the mind…

a woman puts her hand to her head as she considers the klonopin side effects

Are Klonopin Side Effects Dangerous?

Beyond possible addiction and withdrawal issues, most drugs come with side effects. Even with prescription drugs, patients should always check for relevant side effects before they start using any medication. We all metabolize drugs a little differently. That’s particularly true with a drug like Clonazepam. It would be wise for any potential users to understand…

man on bed with head in hands concerned about compromised immune system

Compromised Immune System Increases Risk of Coronavirus

Coronavirus, or COVID-19, affects people of all ages and socio-economic levels. There are some groups of people that are at greater risk of contracting the coronavirus or other serious viruses, infections, or illnesses. Perhaps you heard that the elderly population is at greater risk of getting sick from coronavirus. Did you know that individuals that…

businessman after doing line of cocaine and thinking about finding an executive drug treatment program

Executive Drug Treatment Program – Is Florida the Right Choice?

Jacksonville, Florida, provides your husband or wife with the perfect place to begin the path back to sobriety by going through an executive drug treatment program. A business executive with addiction problems has special rehab treatment needs that an ordinary treatment program can’t address. In an executive drug treatment facility, your spouse will get the…