woman talks to her teen about smoking weed

Why Kids Smoking Weed Is a Big Problem

With many states legalizing recreational marijuana, it can seem like kids smoking weed is a non-issue. In reality, marijuana serves as a gateway drug to more addictive, more harmful substances. In addition, kids smoking weed can lead to problems with the way that their brain develops. The human mind doesn’t stop forming until the mid-20s,…

teen buying drugs needing Teenage Drug Addiction Treatment

Finding the Right Teenage Drug Addiction Treatment Program for Your Child

As a parent, it’s surely disheartening to watch your teenager struggle with addiction. Your teenager hasn’t developed the capability to understand their dangerous behavior. As a loving parent, you can get them professional help. Take the time to seek out the right teenage drug addiction treatment center or young adult rehab center.How Addiction Affects TeensAs…

teen drinking and driving

Teen Drinking and Driving Statistics

Are you the parent of a teenager who frequently engages in risky patterns of drinking, such as teen drinking and driving? Are you concerned about your child’s health and future? Unfortunately, this is an all-too-common theme in many American households. The silver lining is that there is a professional teen addiction treatment program that can…

a group of people showing the benefits of lgbtq rehab programs

The Benefits of LGBTQ+ Rehab Programs

Looking for what kind of LGBTQ rehab programs Jacksonville FL  has to offer can be a smart decision and for many reasons. Some of the benefits of LGBTQ+ rehab programs are personal and individual. Other benefits of LGBTQ+ rehab programs will be because of more practical reasons.Most importantly, all the LGBTQ+ rehab program benefits all add up to…

two teens and vaping

Teens and Vaping

As of November 13, 2019, the CDC reported that there are currently 2,172 cases of vaping use associated with some type of medical condition (mostly lung injury) in 49 U.S. states. Of the total cases, 14% of the patients are under 18 years old. 40% of patients are 18 to 24. The epidemic of teens…

Teens Abusing Cough Syrup.

Teens Abusing Cough Syrup

Teenagers can be very resourceful. When they make their minds up to do something, they’re very persistent in their pursuit. For instance, it’s not always easy or affordable for teenagers to find and buy illicit drugs. If they have a desire to get high, they’ll find alternatives. One popular alternative kids use these days is…