woman sitting looking at wine

Alcohol and Anxiety Don’t Mix Well

Life presents many anxious situations and circumstances. How we deal with them varies considerably. Sometimes, we seek to avoid dealing with the difficulties we face in our lives. As a result, anxiety and alcohol use (and abuse) often go hand in hand.People may self-medicate by drinking to calm anxious feelings (or shut them out entirely).…

male and woman talking

Strategies to Help With Harm Reduction

Over the years, there have been many failed and discarded policies when it comes to how to treat those who are suffering from addictions. In the past, a more brutal, less caring approach was the rule rather than the exception. Addicted individuals tended to be viewed as criminals… and weak-minded criminals at that. Law enforcement…

man and women sitting on the bed raising their hands

Get Sober for the New Year Near SC

With responsible behavior, alcohol doesn’t cause adverse effects in people’s lives. It only becomes a problem when they abuse the drug and develop an addiction. Since alcohol abuse damages every aspect of your life, getting sober is crucial. With a little help from drug and alcohol rehab in Florida, getting sober for the new year…

man talking in a group

Oxycodone Addiction Rehab Near Charlotte, NC

Some prescribed medications, like Oxycodone, offer mind-altering properties that occur almost immediately when consumed. Because of these characteristics, these drugs have a high likelihood of being abused. Abuse of prescription medications such as Oxycodone can often lead to addiction as well as physical dependence. Prescription opioid addiction has grown from 76 million in 1991 to…

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Speed Drug Addiction Treatment Near Charleston, SC

With so many drugs out there, it’s hard to keep them all straight. It’s even harder when people consider the fact that every drug has multiple street names. One such drug is methamphetamine, which is known to many people as speedballs. What is a speedball drug? And what are the side effects of taking it…