ghb drug effects

How to Recognize GHB Drug Effects

Many people experience GHB drug effects without realizing they used the Schedule I drug. Others purposefully abuse this substance commonly called a “date rape drug,” too. Although its natural form is an important brain chemical, manufactured GHB is both addictive and highly dangerous.According to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), GHB has no medicinal uses. It…

holistic Florida drug rehabs

Characteristics of Great Holistic Florida Drug Rehabs

Since every rehab center is different, the traits that make it ideal for you might not benefit someone else. For that reason, it’s vital for you to find a facility that meets your unique needs. Achieving that starts with knowing your options and what to look for. As you assess holistic Florida drug rehabs, for…

first night 2018

Look for First Night Activities in Your Town

One of your biggest fears in gaining sobriety is maintaining healthy recovery, even during the holidays. But the good news is your local area offers sober living celebration options for enjoying major holidays such as New Year’s Eve. You can enjoy New Year’s Eve or First Night celebrations in a new life of sobriety, even…

mixing benzos and alcohol

The Danger of Mixing Benzos and Alcohol

Benzodiazepines, or benzos, are strong tranquilizers designed to calm the central nervous system. Namely, they’re anti-anxiety medications like Xanax, Valium, Ativan, and Halcion. Thus, benzos are popular to soothe stress and also, off-label, to experience surges of pleasure. In fact, National Public Radio reported that benzo prescriptions have risen by 5.4 million since 1999. Unfortunately,…

is drug addiction a choice

Is Drug Addiction a Choice?

Many people today debate whether people choose to suffer addiction or if this condition is a legitimate disease. So is drug addiction a choice? Or does modern science prove disease causes addiction?Past Beliefs about AddictionIn the past, Americans and people throughout the world believed addiction was a choice. That is, you choose to push your…

adhd medications

How Do ADHD Medications Work?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, also known as ADHD, is a common diagnosis for young people. Namely, it’s a brain condition that causes trouble focusing and controlling impulses. Also, ADHD can make it hard to organize thoughts, remember details, and learn. According to the American Psychiatric Association, the number of ADHD patients has risen by 42…

dating someone in drug addiction recovery

How to Deal With Dating Someone in Drug Addiction Recovery

Are you dating someone in drug addiction recovery? Were you there during the bad times? Most importantly, are you sober, too? Here are some thoughts on how to maintain your relationship.Dating Someone in Drug Addiction Recovery Brings ChallengesYou suddenly feel guilty every time you think of having a drink. Rather than enjoying a beer, you…

Jacksonville drug overdose statistics

Scary Jacksonville Drug Overdose Statistics

Jacksonville in Duval County seems to have it all. The city is a favorite destination for golf tourists and beach enthusiasts.  Its seaport creates a large, stable economy. However, there’s a dark side which the Jacksonville drug overdose statistics clearly proves.How Bad is the Drug Problem?The news has reported a lot about drug statistics. There’ve…

what are designer drugs

What are Designer Drugs?

As if narcotics and prescription medications aren’t dangerous enough, there’s always a flow of new drugs hitting the streets. Experts call many of these substances “designer” drugs. It’s gotten to the point where Americans are seldom shocked to hear about a new street drug that’s leaving victims in its path. So, what are designer drugs?What…

National teen driver Safety Week

National Teen Driver Safety Week

Every year, we read stories about distraught parents who have lost their teenager because of a driving accident. It’s always a tragedy and sometimes avoidable. Yes, accidents happen. However, accidents that occur due to driving under the influence aren’t necessary. As a reminder of how important this issue has become, we, as a nation, annually…