woman struggles with dating an alcoholic

How to Figure Out if You’re Dating an Alcoholic

People like to believe that love conquers all. However, this isn’t the case if you’re dating an alcoholic. It’s not always easy to tell if someone has a drinking problem. You have to know the signs of alcohol addiction. Fortunately, the team at Beaches Recovery has extensive experience treating the disease of addiction and can…

man learns about how his family can help and hurt sobriety

How Family Can Help and Hurt Sobriety

Addiction is a disease that doesn’t just affect the individual alone. It radiates outward, touching the lives of friends, coworkers, peers, and, often, family. For many people, family members receive the brunt of the impact from someone struggling with drug or alcohol abuse. Addiction can cause serious strain on relationships, damaging them when they are…

man and a woman refuse alcohol

Best Tips to Stop Drinking Today

When you want to stop drinking alcohol, your best chance of success comes through seeking professional help. Alcohol abuse is a chronic, acute disease that alters brain chemistry. Therefore, willpower alone isn’t enough to overcome this disease. Also, painful and possibly life-threatening withdrawal symptoms could occur, making professional help necessary to stop drinking alcohol safely.…

tired worker is a functioning alcoholic

Why Does a Functioning Alcoholic Need Treatment?

While a functioning alcoholic may feel like their addiction is not a problem, they often are unaware of how alcohol affects their life. From long-term health problems to issues at home, alcoholism can cause severe repercussions in an individual’s life. The only way to prevent these problems from happening is to get treatment and stay…

Alcohol Withdrawal

Dangers of Alcohol Withdrawal

In recent years, nearly one-quarter of the entire nation has admitted to engaging in binge drinking within the last month. This type of behavior often develops because of how readily available alcohol is throughout society. When someone attempts to stop drinking after they’ve abused alcohol, they may dislike withdrawal symptoms so much that they begin…

woman holding glass of wine dealing with abuse of alcohol and pregnancy

Alcoholism and Pregnancy

Alcohol and pregnancy is a very dangerous combination. Those who have alcohol addiction are already experiencing a life-changing situation in which their body is dependent on alcohol to function. When you become pregnant, those complications grow. Expectant mothers may feel overwhelmed in wanting to minimize risk to their child but also unable to simply avoid…

woman outside smiling having quit drinking

What Happens When You Quit Drinking?

Millions struggle with alcohol abuse and alcohol use disorder every year. However, only a small percentage get the help they need to heal from the disease of alcohol addiction. Fortunately, with professional help, anyone dealing with alcohol use disorder can overcome and heal from the disease. What matters most is realizing you are not alone…