Do I Need a Belief in a Higher Power to Stay Sober_

Do I Need a Belief in a Higher Power to Stay Sober?

If you have ever been to a recovery meeting or celebration group, you’ve probably heard people talk about their faith in God or a higher power. Most 12-step recovery programs involve giving up control to this higher power. Although belief in a higher power can help put things into perspective, you don’t have to have…

Explanation of Physical vs Emotional Sobriety

Explanation of Physical vs. Emotional Sobriety

Although addiction can be treated successfully through detox, it isn’t the end solution. Each person needs to find the right addiction treatment program to help them identify and meet their recovery goals. Often, this involves entering individual therapy. Treatment involves managing the disorder to avoid engaging in substance abuse behaviors. While you can undoubtedly detox…

How to Help Your Spouse Stop Drinking

How to Help Your Spouse Stop Drinking

You’ve nagged, begged, and argued. Your spouse still has a drinking problem. Do you want to know how to help your spouse stop drinking? Interestingly, many of the techniques can start with you. If you’re wondering how to help your spouse quit drinking, then explore what Beaches Recovery has to offer. Our abstinence-based addiction treatment…

social drinking vs alcoholism

The Difference Between Social Drinking vs Alcoholism

Culturally in the United States, alcohol is everywhere. It is a stable of small and large parties, wedding celebrations, tailgating events, and other sports viewing. Because it is legal and ubiquitous, it can be a challenge recognizing when you, someone you know, or someone you care about is abusing alcohol. Many people can recognize when…

Celebrating a Sober Halloween

Celebrating a Sober Halloween

Halloween usually invokes scary thoughts of demons, goblins, and haunted houses. However, a recovering alcoholic’s biggest fear might be a relapse. After all, October 31st is often celebrated under the influence at wild costume parties. Nonetheless, getting sober doesn’t have to cancel the Halloween fun. There’re plenty of ways to have a blast without booze,…

Behavioral Therapy

Behavioral Activation Therapy

If you are struggling with depression or anxiety in your life, you may also feel paralyzed to take part in life like you once did. This is a common response to mental health disorders. However, this response will only make the condition you are suffering from worse. What can help in these situations are behavioral…

person declining to drink alcohol

How Hard Is It to Quit Drinking?

For decades, alcohol has remained one of the most widely abused substances throughout the United States. The pervasiveness of alcohol makes it incredibly difficult to get away from once an addiction has set in. Alcohol is a feature of nearly all social gatherings. Because it is legal (even if regulated), access to alcohol is easy.…