woman struggles with dating an alcoholic

How to Figure Out if You’re Dating an Alcoholic

People like to believe that love conquers all. However, this isn’t the case if you’re dating an alcoholic. It’s not always easy to tell if someone has a drinking problem. You have to know the signs of alcohol addiction. Fortunately, the team at Beaches Recovery has extensive experience treating the disease of addiction and can…

man learns about how his family can help and hurt sobriety

How Family Can Help and Hurt Sobriety

Addiction is a disease that doesn’t just affect the individual alone. It radiates outward, touching the lives of friends, coworkers, peers, and, often, family. For many people, family members receive the brunt of the impact from someone struggling with drug or alcohol abuse. Addiction can cause serious strain on relationships, damaging them when they are…

woman talks to her teen about smoking weed

Why Kids Smoking Weed Is a Big Problem

With many states legalizing recreational marijuana, it can seem like kids smoking weed is a non-issue. In reality, marijuana serves as a gateway drug to more addictive, more harmful substances. In addition, kids smoking weed can lead to problems with the way that their brain develops. The human mind doesn’t stop forming until the mid-20s,…

man wonders how addictive antidepressants are

How Addictive are Antidepressants?

If you’ve ever spent time asking yourself, “Are antidepressants addictive?” then you may have found that it’s difficult to come to a firm answer. While not truly addictive in the traditional sense, antidepressants are routinely abused like other substances. Addiction is a disease that can take hold of an individual in several ways. Although many…

Oxycontin pills that lead to addiction

What is OxyContin and How is it Abused?

Have you become addicted to OxyContin prescription pills? Did your habit begin as experimental drug use before exploding into a pattern of abuse that you cannot control? You already know the answer to, “What is OxyContin?”, but what about, “how can I stop abusing OxyContin?”The answer is simple: An opiate addiction treatment center can help…

Woman wonders if she can get mental disorders from drug abuse

Can You Get Mental Disorders from Drug Use?

When it comes to substance abuse, it not uncommon for addiction to coincide with mental disorders. In fact, mental disorders and addiction have much in common with the “chicken or the egg dilemma.” In other words, what’s the order of connection? Does drug or alcohol abuse come from the mental health issue or does the…

man looking out window needing drug addiction recovery

Recovery from Drug Addiction

When it comes to drug addiction recovery, one thing must be said–It’s not easy. This is not meant to be discouraging. It’s meant to encourage you to work through your discomfort and anxiety about recovery. It can take just a short amount of time to acquire an addiction to a substance. Unfortunately, reversing the effects…