some thc pills

Are THC Pills Dangerous?

Throughout the country, states are dealing with the pros and cons related to the legalization of marijuana. While the medicinal benefits of weed seem harmless enough, it still contains THC. For people who don’t want to smoke medical marijuana, THC in pill form is another option. Also, they provide a more predictable dose than other…

A veteran and a therapist discuss symptoms of PTSD in veterans

Symptoms of PTSD in Veterans & Emerging Treatment in 2024

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) remains a significant challenge for veterans. This condition, often resulting from the trauma of combat, can severely impact daily life. Understanding the symptoms of PTSD in veterans and emerging treatments is crucial for effective management and recovery. As we move closer to the end of the year, it’s essential to explore…

Two people discuss living amends

Step 9 in AA: Examples of Living Amends

Step nine in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) involves making direct amends to those harmed by one’s addiction, except when doing so would injure them or others. This step is crucial in the recovery process, as it helps individuals take responsibility for their actions and begin repairing the damage caused by their addiction. This living amends step,…

A group of people discussing group therapy topics

Exploring Group Therapy Topics For Your Mental Health

If you are in need of professional treatment for addiction, you will likely enter a facility that offers group therapy. For some, the idea of group therapy can be frightening and daunting. However, group therapy topics are extremely useful. They aim to help you and your fellow group members explore your experiences with addiction and…

Woman in EMDR Therapy

What Are the Benefits of EMDR Therapy?

Treatment such as EMDR therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy can help you recover and better control your symptoms. Treatments like EMDR therapy in Jacksonville FL are utilized for both mental health and substance abuse disorders and are safe and effective.When you struggle with substance abuse or mental health disorder, you can feel frustrated, angry and isolated. Sometimes,…

woman with therapist in behavioral therapy

What Is Behavioral Therapy?

When you seek the right addiction treatment center for your recovery, you see many types of available therapies. While many people think one or two types of treatment will work for their recovery, studies prove that a diverse mix of addiction counseling works best. In rehab, behavioral therapy stands out as beneficial for reliable recovery.Just…

man drawing in art therapy for drug addiction

Art Therapy for Drug Addiction

In deciding to gain treatment for addiction, addicts have more options today than ever before. Beaches Recovery in Jacksonville, FL provides art therapy for drug addiction, as one of a multitude of recovery treatment options. Usually used in combination with other therapies, art therapy provides addicts with a medium for self-expression and healing.If you’d like…

woman talking to therapist about addiction recovery support groups

Where to Get Support for Addiction Recovery

After getting addiction treatment in Florida, it’s important to build relationships to maintain your sobriety. Support for addiction recovery allows you to share your experience with others on the path to recovery. These groups cater to a diverse population of those recovering from substance abuse disorder. There are even specialized groups for those recovering from…

pros and cons of ketamine therapy for depression

Pros and Cons of Ketamine Therapy for Depression

For the millions of people who suffer from depression, exploring new treatment methods is always interesting. One of the latest options for a depression treatment program is ketamine therapy. By examining the pros and cons of ketamine therapy for depression, interested clients can get an accurate picture of the process and its side effects.Ketamine is…