man deals with heroin detox symptoms

Heroin Detox Symptoms

Heroin detox symptoms can be severe, and their intensity makes it difficult for those struggling with heroin addiction to recover successfully. Heroin addiction creates physical and psychological dependence, meaning that when you stop using heroin after becoming addicted, you can feel physically sick while also dealing with complicated and overwhelming emotional changes. This is because…

the effects of crystal meth

Crystal Meth Drug Effects

You may have heard of the drug crystal meth and wondered how it got its name. Quite simply, it’s because the drug looks like rock crystal. Users of this illicit drug have a variety of slang terms and street names for it. The effects of crystal meth can be intense. As a stimulant, the drug…

woman participates in sober activities

Sober Activities Will Keep You That Way

If you are in the process of recovering from substance abuse, a big focus in life will be your sobriety. While getting sober is a considerable achievement, avoiding relapse can also be a big challenge. There are, however, sober activities that you can engage in to maintain your sobriety. Perhaps the best way to maintain…

woman learns the difference between outpatient v inpatient treatment

Differences Between Outpatient vs Inpatient Rehab

Substance use disorder (addiction to drugs or alcohol) affects millions each year. However, only a fraction of people reach out for support or find the help they need to recover. While addiction can be a daunting disease to confront, it is treatable, and with the right support, individuals can heal and take back control of…

2 women celebrate 12 step meetings

General Outline of 12 Step Meetings

One of the most common ways to combat addiction is through the use of the 12 step philosophy. The 12 steps have helped those struggling with addiction for more than 70 years. They have helped millions of people find lasting sobriety. Many addiction treatment facilities offer a 12 step program. Here at Beaches Recovery, we…

woman enjoys her sober living

What It’s Like to Be Clean and Sober

Living with a drug or alcohol addiction can make you feel utterly hopeless, as though there’s no light at the end of the tunnel. You may even think that living this way is your fate, but that doesn’t have to be the case. You can live clean and sober, allowing you to be the person…

woman considers if her addiction is a disease

Is Drug Addiction a Disease?

“Is drug addiction a disease?” It’s a common question that many people ask if they are suffering from addiction. There are many opinions about addiction, and unfortunately, this keeps the stigma of drug addiction alive, often preventing individuals from getting the support they need to heal. For most people, drinking or using drugs recreationally isn’t…

group participates in 12 step program

How a 12 Step Program Helped My Recovery

I suffer from what many people in recovery often refer to as “terminal uniqueness” and it was a difficult concept. In my addiction, I felt as though I was all alone and nobody could understand what I was going through. When I finally found a 12 step program, it felt like I was finally at…