some thc pills

Are THC Pills Dangerous?

Throughout the country, states are dealing with the pros and cons related to the legalization of marijuana. While the medicinal benefits of weed seem harmless enough, it still contains THC. For people who don’t want to smoke medical marijuana, THC in pill form is another option. Also, they provide a more predictable dose than other…

Man enjoying the benefits of sobriety

What Are the Benefits of Sobriety?

When lost in addiction, most people forget how a healthy life feels. They spend their days and nights treading water while life goes on around them. Little do they know, getting treatment is the best thing that will ever happen to them. However, they still need to proceed with caution. Completing detox and rehab is…

Woman experiencing the stages of drug addiction

What Are the Stages of a Drug Addiction?

A substance use disorder isn’t something you planned on developing. However, you can’t say that you didn’t see it coming either. There are stages of drug addiction. In retrospect, they’re quite clear.Do you want to learn more about drug and alcohol addiction? If so, call us today at 866.605.0532.Trying Something NewMany don’t realize that the…

A group of people discussing group therapy topics

Exploring Group Therapy Topics For Your Mental Health

If you are in need of professional treatment for addiction, you will likely enter a facility that offers group therapy. For some, the idea of group therapy can be frightening and daunting. However, group therapy topics are extremely useful. They aim to help you and your fellow group members explore your experiences with addiction and…

pros and cons of ketamine therapy for depression

Pros and Cons of Ketamine Therapy for Depression

For the millions of people who suffer from depression, exploring new treatment methods is always interesting. One of the latest options for a depression treatment program is ketamine therapy. By examining the pros and cons of ketamine therapy for depression, interested clients can get an accurate picture of the process and its side effects.Ketamine is…

woman sitting looking at wine

Alcohol and Anxiety Don’t Mix Well

Life presents many anxious situations and circumstances. How we deal with them varies considerably. Sometimes, we seek to avoid dealing with the difficulties we face in our lives. As a result, anxiety and alcohol use (and abuse) often go hand in hand.People may self-medicate by drinking to calm anxious feelings (or shut them out entirely).…

male speaking with therapist

Are There Types of Individual Therapy?

Drug rehab centers use many types of therapy to treat drug and alcohol addiction. However, some of the most effective and beneficial are what’s known as one-on-one therapies. Often in conjunction with group therapy, these types of individual therapy have their unique uses and benefits. To learn more, call us at 866.605.0532 for more information.Different…

women talking

Outpatient Rehab Care Near Charleston, SC

The prospect of facing inpatient treatment for an addiction problem can be daunting. Consequently, it causes some who need it to avoid treatment altogether. What most people don’t realize is there are other options. Another popular choice among people with certain time restrictions is outpatient drug rehab care. Addiction treatment clinicians are undoubtedly willing to…

two people - one holding their hands together and other writing down notes

Outpatient Care Services Near Charlotte, NC

The exact nature and purpose of outpatient care services confuse many people seeking detox and rehab treatment. Simply put, outpatient rehab care is substance abuse treatment that doesn’t require you to actually live at the facility. Instead, you attend day sessions according to a carefully planned schedule. Then, you’re able to return home afterward to…