side effects of fentanyl

What are the Side Effects of Fentanyl?

Fentanyl causes many side effects, like other opioid drugs. But fentanyl is 50 to 100 times more potent than heroin, oxycodone, morphine, and hydrocodone. This means side effects of fentanyl are more significant, occur more rapidly and last for a more extended period.Side Effects of FentanylSide effects of fentanyl include:Fatigue, drowsiness, and weaknessConfusion and concentration…

personal opiate crisis

Is There Really an Opiate Crisis?

You can’t deny that more than 33,091 deaths in 2015 due to opiates and opioids is a crisis. These deaths in one year from any cause is indeed a problem. But, the opiate crisis includes more than just street drugs. It also includes medications prescribed by doctors and widely abused by patients nationwide.The Opiate Crisis…

how to stop drug addiction

Can You Learn How to Stop Drug Addiction?

Have you noticed that your drinking is out of control? Maybe you started taking drugs recreationally, and now you can’t quit. Taking the substances just to feel normal and make it through the day scares you. Here’s how to stop drug addiction in its tracks today.Detox Ends the Physical DependencyStart your discovery of how to…

heroin problem

What Should I Do About My Son’s Heroin Problem?

When you find out that your son is abusing heroin, it can be devastating. Fortunately, it is possible to overcome a heroin problem. With the right tools and knowledge, you can help your son find sobriety and get healthy. These tips can guide your decisions as you work toward sobriety for your son.Acknowledging the Heroin…

opioid epidemic statistics

Opioid Epidemic Statistics

It’s no secret that there is a growing opioid epidemic in the United States. Nonetheless, it’s hard to understand the true scope of the problem. By looking at specific opioid epidemic statistics, you can see precisely how opioid drugs are negatively impacting millions. While these statistics can seem worrying, there are excellent opportunities for addiction…

prescription opioids

What Makes Prescription Opioids Deadly

It’s reasonable for an accident victim or surgical patient to expect pain medications to ease their pain. When physicians prescribe them, and patients use them correctly, pain medications serve a great purpose. Unfortunately, people abuse prescription opioids on a regular basis. In some cases, it’s the patient stepping out of line. In other cases, it’s…

effects of heroin use

You Should Know the Effects of Heroin Use

Struggling with a drug like heroin can hurt any individual or family. Naturally, heroin addiction touches all areas of life. The effects of heroin use will alter your physical and mental health, your relationships, your finances, and your future.If you want to improve your circumstances and get out from under the hold of heroin, get…

symptoms of vicodin abuse

Clear Symptoms of Vicodin Abuse

Knowing the symptoms of Vicodin abuse can be vital if you are concerned about a loved one or even yourself. Vicodin abuse is more common than you may think. Those who are struggling will naturally try to hide that they are abusing this drug. As a family member or friend, it could be up to…

middle-aged man deep in thought during Drug Addiction Therapy

Drug Addiction Therapy

For the most part, people don’t just randomly decide to start abusing substances. Most addicts become addicts because they are looking for something that’s missing inside of themselves. Knowing people who abuse substances have personal issues makes it easier to understand why drug addiction therapy is essential. Any attempts a person makes to stop using…

define substance abuse

It’s Easy to Define Substance Abuse

How Can You Define Substance Abuse?You may think you know how to define substance abuse, but do you really? Many people assume that someone who is struggling with substance abuse problem will be a mess. They may assume these are the people who are homeless or abusive to their families.In fact, this isn’t necessarily what…