a girl frowns as she talks to a group about attending an opiate treatment program in atlanta ga

Opiate Treatment Program Near Atlanta, GA

If you’re seeking an opiate treatment program in Atlanta, GA, you may be overwhelmed with life right now. You could be stressed, worried about your health, but unsure of what to do first. It’s important to know you are not alone in this fight, and there are real, authentic tools available to help you. Sometimes, they…

man on bed with head in hands concerned about compromised immune system

Compromised Immune System Increases Risk of Coronavirus

Coronavirus, or COVID-19, affects people of all ages and socio-economic levels. There are some groups of people that are at greater risk of contracting the coronavirus or other serious viruses, infections, or illnesses. Perhaps you heard that the elderly population is at greater risk of getting sick from coronavirus. Did you know that individuals that…

woman on couch with head in her hand from Side Effects of Xanax abuse

What are the Side Effects of Xanax Abuse?

Doctors often prescribe Xanax for patients with anxiety or panic disorders. For the most part, the prescription drug has proven to be very effective for these types of issues. However, Xanax has properties that make it very attractive to people who are looking for a high. One of the so-call desirable side effects of Xanax…

man sitting on floor with hands on his head struggling with suboxone withdrawal symptoms

Now What Do I Do About My Suboxone Withdrawal Symptoms?

When doctors prescribe one medication to treat an addiction to another substance, they try to strike a delicate balance. Unfortunately, a patient sometimes forms an addiction to the medicine prescribed to wean them off another substance. Suboxone is a medication that doctors prescribe during drug detox for heroin addiction. If those struggling with addiction abuse…

senior veteran saluting american flag struggling with substance abuse in veterans

Substance Abuse in Veterans: The Link Between Veterans with PTSD

The Link of Substance Abuse in VeteransVeterans cope and self-medicate post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with drugs and alcohol. This use quickly turns into substance abuse in veterans requiring specialized substance use disorder treatment for a complete recovery. Dual diagnosis treatment in Jacksonville addresses mental health and substance use disorders together for lasting recovery in our…