A man very concerned about cocaine overdose symptoms

What Are Cocaine Overdose Symptoms?

Cocaine is a potent drug the effects of which can be very taxing on an individual’s body. Like many illicit drugs, a cocaine overdose can be fatal. Therefore, the sooner you can identify an overdose and get the user help, then the better off they will be. If you recognize cocaine overdose symptoms, then you…

teen sitting on couch

Do 18-20-Year-Olds Use Drugs the Most? [Infographic]

Drug abuse is an issue across all age demographics, but there is no denying that it is 18-20-year-olds using drugs the most. Take a closer look at the drug abuse in this demographic and what that means for young adults today.18-20-Year-Olds Using Drugs the MostThe National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that 22.6 percent of…

family stages an intervention

When and How To Do An Intervention

As a disease, addiction doesn’t discriminate. It can affect anyone at any time, no matter their age, race, or class. Yet like any disease, addiction can be treated with professional help. Individuals must educate themselves on what to look out for to get their friends and loved ones the treatment they need. Because many individuals…

teen buying drugs needing Teenage Drug Addiction Treatment

Finding the Right Teenage Drug Addiction Treatment Program for Your Child

As a parent, it’s surely disheartening to watch your teenager struggle with addiction. Your teenager hasn’t developed the capability to understand their dangerous behavior. As a loving parent, you can get them professional help. Take the time to seek out the right teenage drug addiction treatment center or young adult rehab center.How Addiction Affects TeensAs…

drug treatment centers in Florida with beach and city landscape

Can Drug Treatment Centers in Florida Help Me with Addiction?

Drug treatment’s primary goal is to help individuals struggling with addiction to find relief from the symptoms of their chronic illness. In recent years, the percentage of people struggling with abuse of illicit substances has risen to above 8%, bringing the annual number of drug-related deaths to a level that is above the national average.…

man with substance abuse know what the methadone side effects are

Methadone Side Effects

For more than five decades, methadone has provided a reliable treatment for opiate addiction treatment. It helps chronic opiate users move beyond addiction. Those looking for an opiate addiction rehab center in Jacksonville, FL recovering addicts trust should explore methadone as a possible treatment during detox and long-term maintenance. However, it’s important to understand methadone side effects before…

a woman holds a pill on her tongue thinking about the long term effects of xanax

Long Term Effects of Xanax Abuse

Xanax belongs to the class of medications called benzodiazepines, which are used for anxiety and panic disorders. People prescribed this medication usually struggle with chronic anxiety issues. Xanax works well for people struggling with anxiety because it is fast-acting. It calms the anxious person within minutes, which makes it a desirable medication for those suffering.…