A woman working to avoid triggers in recovery

How to Avoid Triggers in Recovery

Recovery from addiction is an ongoing process that requires dedication and effort. It’s not something that happens overnight. This journey involves several stages, each demanding different levels of commitment and resilience. Maintaining sobriety means continuously working on oneself, understanding the various aspects of addiction, and implementing strategies to prevent relapse. The best way to achieve…

Woman going through gabapentine addiction symptoms

What are Gabapentin Addiction Symptoms?

Addiction rates are reaching record levels in the United States, and opiate abuse have resulted in a public health emergency. Overdoses are the leading cause of accidental death in the United States, making addiction more dangerous than ever. Gabapentin, a common medication used to treat seizures and opiate withdrawal symptoms, is becoming more widely abused.…

a woman wondering what is chronic relapse

What is Chronic Relapse?

During recovery from addiction, relapse is always a risk. Relapse happens after you begin using and abusing drugs or alcohol after you have achieved short-term or long-term sobriety. Chronic relapse is also a potential complication during recovery. However, what is a chronic relapse?During recovery, nearly half of people experience a relapse. Relapses can vary in…

a woman canoeing while enjoying fun sober activities

Fun Sober Activities

Attending addiction therapy services in Jacksonville FL will provide healing and hope for those struggling with addiction. For people who have been living with drug addiction problems, it’s vital that they find fun sober activities while on the road to recovery. One of the main reasons people relapse is because they don’t keep active in…

Relapse Prevention Techniques for Substance Abuse

Relapse Prevention Techniques for Substance Abuse

When it comes to addiction treatment, you get support from doctors, therapists, peers in recovery, and your loved ones. But staying clean takes ongoing work, focus, and support. In rehab, you learn how to remain free of drugs and alcohol using relapse prevention techniques for substance abuse. What do those techniques include, and will mindfulness-based…

group participates in addiction rehab

How Long Does Rehab Last?

When you decide to seek treatment for substance abuse, one of your first questions might be how long rehab lasts. You might be impatient to overcome your addiction and return to your normal life, or you might be worried about having to take extended absences from your responsibilities. Yet healing from the disease of addiction…

man sitting on the floor holding pill needing help preventing relapse after drug rehab

Five Ways of Preventing Relapse After Drug Rehab

Preventing Relapse After Drug Rehab1. Temptation is not for youSay this out loud: I HAVE NOTHING TO PROVE. Did you say it? Good. If a situation is tempting for you, don’t put yourself in that position. You have nothing to prove. You successfully completed drug rehab, you’re doing your best to stay sober, and if…