man and women sitting on the bed raising their hands

Get Sober for the New Year Near SC

With responsible behavior, alcohol doesn’t cause adverse effects in people’s lives. It only becomes a problem when they abuse the drug and develop an addiction. Since alcohol abuse damages every aspect of your life, getting sober is crucial. With a little help from drug and alcohol rehab in Florida, getting sober for the new year…

3 Ways Sober Living Could Free Your Mindset

3 Ways Sober Living Could Free Your Mindset

Leaving a substance abuse treatment center in FL can fill you with mixed emotions. In many ways, you may be excited that you’ve completed this chapter in your life and accomplished something great. On the other hand, you may be scared and concerned about what you’re going to do when you leave.Being in a drug…

Drug Treatment That Is Affordable

Drug Treatment That Is Affordable

Going through drug rehab can be expensive. There are ways to get affordable drug rehab in FL, though, like the facilities at Beaches Recovery. Not only are there treatment centers with affordable programs, but your health insurance can also help pay for your addiction treatment. With the right insurance and the right treatment center, you’re…

Affordable Intensive Outpatient Rehab Program

Affordable Intensive Outpatient Rehab Program

Addiction is a powerful mental illness, and it has the potential to take away a person’s life. It’s one of the only illnesses a person can get that makes you believe there’s nothing wrong. This comes from a problem with the person’s prefrontal cortex. Although this portion of the brain never heals fully, each and…

Difference Between Psychiatrist Vs Therapist

Addiction Counseling and Psychiatrist Vs Therapist

Working with the right medical professionals during addiction recovery is crucial. While a psychiatrist and a therapist can sound helpful before you enter treatment, they will provide you with different support options and tools throughout your recovery. You may need the help of both professionals as you recover, or you might only need one. Understanding…

Do I Need a Belief in a Higher Power to Stay Sober_

Do I Need a Belief in a Higher Power to Stay Sober?

If you have ever been to a recovery meeting or celebration group, you’ve probably heard people talk about their faith in God or a higher power. Most 12-step recovery programs involve giving up control to this higher power. Although belief in a higher power can help put things into perspective, you don’t have to have…

How to Help Your Spouse Stop Drinking

How to Help Your Spouse Stop Drinking

You’ve nagged, begged, and argued. Your spouse still has a drinking problem. Do you want to know how to help your spouse stop drinking? Interestingly, many of the techniques can start with you. If you’re wondering how to help your spouse quit drinking, then explore what Beaches Recovery has to offer. Our abstinence-based addiction treatment…

5 Types of Addiction Therapy

5 Types of Addiction Therapy

 Breaking your drug or alcohol habit with detox and rehab is a significant milestone toward sobriety. However, it’s only the beginning of the long-term plan to overcome addiction. Specifically, the next step to staying clean is therapy. Remember, there’s no shame in talking through your substance problems with a certified therapist. In fact, Psychology Today…

Living Sober

Tips for Living Sober

You worked hard for the ability to be living sober now. With chemical dependency in the rearview mirror, it should be smooth sailing, or is it? In fact, preventing relapse is more complicated than you thought. However, five expert tips for living sober make it possible.At Beaches Recovery, we’re committed to helping our clients grow…

benzo detox recovery

The Struggles of Benzo Detox

Your doctor may have prescribed benzodiazepines for anxiety or because you had trouble sleeping. The medication affects the Gamma-Amino-Butyric-Acid (GABA) receptors in the brain. At first, benzos help you to relax. Eventually, they shut down natural GABA production. Because dependency now becomes an issue, you need benzo detox recovery.At Beaches Recovery, we recognize the challenges…