alternatives to AA

There Are Alternatives to AA

Alcoholics Anonymous works for some people with addiction but some who enter an Alcoholic Anonymous program never complete it. Others will finish a program only to relapse a short time later. Fortunately, there are many alternatives to AA you may find just as effective. Here are a few you might want to consider.Top Alternatives to…

Northern VA drug rehab

Should I Use a Northern VA Drug Rehab?

So you’re living in Northern Virginia and trying to deal with an addiction? Hopefully, you’re close to the end of your rope and want to get help. If so, you’ll probably start by looking for help in your area. It makes sense. However, there are better alternatives than a Northern VA drug rehab. What you…

rehab houses

Staying Sober at Rehab Houses

On the last day of your inpatient or intensive outpatient treatment program, you may feel a mixture of accomplishment and unpreparedness. Completing a treatment program for drug or alcohol addiction is a major accomplishment. At the same time, how can you be sure that relapse won’t occur? One of the ways that many clients of…

purple drank effect

What is the Purple Drank Effect?

We, as a society, can pass laws against every drug or drug concoction on the planet. It doesn’t matter. People will always come up with something new to dazzle the mind and hurt the body. The purple drank effect is a fairly new endeavor in the world of man-made substances. For all its wonderful mind-altering…


What Does an MDMA Overdose Look Like?

By now, very few people don’t know what the drug MDMA or Ecstasy is all about. For years, people have recognized it as one of the party scene’s most popular drugs. Party or not, the drug has been problematic for the people who use it and also to the people they encounter. It might help…

recovery programs

Different Recovery Programs Work for Different People

For years, drug and alcohol rehab centers used generic inpatient and outpatient treatment modalities. As long as things seem to be working, no one wanted to make changes. Unfortunately, high relapse rates forced rehabs to start considering other options. This resulted in the development of more recovery programs geared towards the individual. That’s good news…

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What is Flakka?

News reports of Flakka zombies are terrifying parents. Club cooks have begun making up this synthetic drug for customers clamoring for stimulants. What is Flakka? More importantly, what should you do if you notice your grown child or a loved one using it?The Perfect Storm?Imagine a drug that looks a little like white aquarium gravel.…

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Statistics About Drug Abuse in America

Drug abuse in America has largely been increasing, especially in the categories of illicit drugs and marijuana. Just over nine percent of Americans over the age of 12 had used illicit drugs in 2013. That number rose from eight percent in 2002. A graph of past-month drug use in 2013 showed nearly 25 million Americans…

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Problems With Taking Alcohol And Ibuprofen

Mixing many drugs with alcohol can be dangerous. Ibuprofen is no exception. Although ibuprofen is available over the counter as Midol, Advil, and other painkillers, it’s still dangerous to mix with alcohol. Some of the dangers of mixing alcohol and ibuprofen can even be life threatening.Why You Shouldn’t Mix Alcohol And IbuprofenAlcohol interacts with drugs…

man on wondering learning about relapse

What is Relapse?

Anyone who tries to recover from addiction can relapse. People new to addiction recovery may ask, “What is relapse and how dangerous is it?” If you or a loved one is preparing for or already in addiction treatment, you should learn about relapse and it’s dangers. The more you know, the easier it will be…
