woman's media presence influences her drug use

What is the Media Influence on Drugs and Alcohol Use?

The media is everywhere you turn in our digital age. We’re bombarded with reality TV shows, tweets, tabloid headlines, Instagram pictures, and more. Our phones have become mini-computers connected to cyberspace constantly. According to Pew Research, in March 2018, 77 percent of Americans go online every single day. But does our society’s reliance on technology…

example of ativan

Ativan vs. Xanax

Ativan vs. Xanax, what are they? They are prescription drugs that are used to treat psychiatric problems such as anxiety. They both fall under the drug category of benzodiazepines. Both drugs are highly addictive and were initially meant to be prescribed for short amounts of time. Why? Because people have often prescribed them for more…

woman gets massage therapy during addiction recovery

Massage Therapy and Addiction Recovery

When people think of addiction recovery, massage therapy is rarely the first thing that comes to mind. Many still think of massage as a luxury, something one gets at a spa. However, the benefits of massage therapy go beyond relaxation. Massage therapy is a way to reinvigorate muscles, improve flexibility, and reduce stress and strain.…

example of krokodil side effects

Surprising Krokodil Drug Effects

There are numerous illicit drugs available, and these drugs are constantly changing. Popularity waxes and wanes depending on several factors like price, availability, and potency. Yet, no matter what, illicit drugs carry with them severe consequences. There are immediate health effects and addiction issues whenever someone abuses or misuses drugs. One illicit drug that’s somewhat…

man refuses wine for moderation management

Does Moderation Management Work?

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), problem drinkers outnumber alcoholics by four times. However, few recovery programs address the beginning stages of problem drinking. Moderation Management (MM) is a national support group and program that fills the gap. With that said, does Moderation management work? Beaches Recovery’s counselors and therapists…

example of mixing Tylenol

Should I Take Tylenol with Codeine?

Tylenol is a household name. Drug stores and groceries sell it over the counter as a temporary pain relief medication. In this form, people might consider Tylenol to be harmless. But as a prescribed medication, Tylenol gets an additional boost from another substance. Doctors prescribe Tylenol with codeine for the treatment of higher levels of…

man takes fake xanax bars

What are Fake Xanax Bars?

Xanax is a prescription sedative that contains alprazolam. It’s a benzodiazepine that treats anxiety and panic disorders. However, like many medications, they can be abused or misused. For those who don’t require a prescription for Xanax, abusing the drug creates a calming high. Like any drug, repeated use leads to a substance use disorder or…

womans daughter is a drug addict

Is My Daughter a Drug Addict?

There are few things more painful than watching one of your children fall into addiction. Whether young or old, as your children start abusing drugs, their lives spin into chaos that makes you feel helpless. Is this chaos taking over your son or daughter’s life? Do you know if one of your children is a…

women discuss wellness education

Health and Wellness Education During Addiction Treatment

A substance use disorder or addiction impacts all areas of an individual’s life. An addiction can lead to financial problems, relationship issues, and problems at work. Worse still, having an addiction can hurt the individual’s overall health and wellness. Over time, substance abuse disorders can hurt the individual’s physical, mental and emotional health. With the…

group discusses addiction triggers

Addiction Triggers That We Avoid

Temptations seem to be everywhere when you’re trying to stop using drugs or alcohol. It’s one of the greatest challenges facing people who have just complete addiction treatment and are in the early stages of recovery. Getting away from any of those temptations can be difficult. Fortunately, with the right support like that offered at…
