Celebrate world mental health day 2019

World Mental Health Day 2019

According to the 2017 National Survey of Drug Use and Mental Health, approximately 0.6% of adults 18 or older have attempted suicide at least once. That’s approximately 1.4 million people. If you or someone you know have had suicidal thoughts or attempted suicide, then World Mental Health Day is your day.If you also suffer from…

what is polysubstance abuse

What is Polysubstance Abuse?

One of the most complicated questions to ask is “What is polysubstance abuse?” There can be instances when either ourselves or a loved one are abusing not one, but multiple substances simultaneously.  This is a condition known as polysubstance abuse. When you start looking for an inpatient drug rehab in Jacksonville, Florida,  it’s good to…

10 most addictive prescription drugs

The Top 10 Most Addictive Prescription Drugs

You might be surprised to learn that drug addiction doesn’t just include illegal drugs like cocaine. People can be addicted to prescription drugs, too. Prescription drugs are one of the most abused in the United States. That’s why there are places to help with recovery. It’s important to find a benzo addiction rehab center Florida residents…

man with substance abuse know what the methadone side effects are

Methadone Side Effects

For more than five decades, methadone has provided a reliable treatment for opiate addiction treatment. It helps chronic opiate users move beyond addiction. Those looking for an opiate addiction rehab center in Jacksonville, FL recovering addicts trust should explore methadone as a possible treatment during detox and long-term maintenance. However, it’s important to understand methadone side effects before…

Learning to eat healthy food is one way of how to increase serotonin

How to Increase Seratonin

Serotonin is what many refer to as the “feel-good” chemical. Your brain releases it naturally during certain events and activities. When the chemical is released it makes you feel good. Certain drugs will force your body to overflow the release of serotonin, which is one reason why you feel so good while taking the drug.…

doctor explains to patient the charlson comorbidity index

Charlson Comorbidity Index

The Charlson comorbidity index gives patients with more than one comorbid condition a one-year mortality prediction. Examples of the broad range of comorbid conditions in which these apply are heart disease, AIDS, or cancer. In fact, there are a total of 22 conditions that are part of the Charlson comorbidity index. When you suspect that you may…

group hiking during Recreation Therapy Program

Recreation Therapy Program

When dealing with substance abuse, it’s important to try different types of treatment programs to ensure you have the best success in your journey to healing. Many people find a recreation therapy program a huge boost to their rehab regimen. Any type of experiential therapy will provide needed relaxation while at the same time opening…

woman in therapy showing symptoms of depression

Symptoms Of Depression

If you are feeling down most days of the week, you may wonder if depression is the cause. Understanding the symptoms of depression will help you identify if that is your problem. Depression can lead to additional problems for many people. Some people turn to drugs or alcohol when depression strikes. When this occurs, then co-occurring…

man jogging in the park for the guided self help program

What Is a Guided Self Help Program for Addiction?

The journey to recovery from drug addiction or alcoholism is a personal one. The path you decide to take should reflect your values, goals, and desires. Some people prefer a 12-step element within their journey to healing, while others lean on group therapy. Other people want to bring together components from various programs to make…
