young woman covering her face from the disease of addiction

What is the Disease of Addiction? 

The perception of addiction changed from being a personal flaw of those who lacked morals to being a chronic disease. Most healthcare providers in centuries past thought overcoming addiction meant merely deciding to stop using substances or changing behaviors. But modern medicine has proven that addiction is a complex disease that affects the brain, with…

close up of opiate pills in a bottle representing the need for an opiate addiction rehab program in FL

Opiate Addiction Rehab Program Helps Addiction Recovery

As the number of individuals suffering from opiate addiction and drug overdose continues to rise all across the United States, opiate abuse treatment in FL becomes more crucial than ever. If you’re suffering from opiate addiction, seeking services at an opiate addiction rehab program may be the best thing you can do.Is It Easy To…

luggage at the airport as a plane takes off for someone traveling for treatment

What are the Benefits of Traveling for Treatment?

Dealing with the chronic disease of addiction, individuals feel stuck in a cycle and hopeless rut. The people they interact with on a daily basis may enable bad habits while healthy relationships with friends and family are in the past. Unlike seeking treatment for other illnesses, individuals suffering from addiction may often find that traveling for…

holistic rehab specialist touching wrists of addiction treatment patient

What are the Benefits of a Holistic Rehab?

Although effective, strictly traditional methods for dealing with drug addiction don’t work for everyone. Sometimes, a more innovative and personal approach is needed to accomplish what traditional rehab couldn’t. That’s where holistic rehab comes into the picture. Holistic rehab benefits everyone during Florida drug and alcohol addiction treatment by teaching healthy means of expression.Benefits of…

drugs in various forms of pills, powder, syringe displaying the need for drug treatment centers in Jacksonville

Drug Treatment Centers in Jacksonville

Accreditation is something you want to see when you’re looking for drug treatment centers in Jacksonville. Organizations earn accreditation after meeting predetermined standards outlined by a professional accrediting agency. In health care, ensuring treatment facility accreditation is a necessary step to take to know you’re receiving the best care possible.When it comes to the chronic…

spoon of heroin over a candle next to a syringe displaying the need for heroin treatment facilities in FL

Can Heroin Treatment Facilities Really Help Me Get Sober?

Tragically, America’s heroin use has increased significantly in recent years. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, deaths from heroin overdose have almost quadrupled since 2002.Most heroin-addicted individuals set their addiction in motion before they ever touched heroin. In fact, 45% of heroin addicts were first addicted to prescribed painkiller medications. More than…
