An upset man who has been smoking meth

How to Tell If Someone is Smoking Meth

Having a close friend, spouse, or relative who is struggling with meth abuse can be extremely difficult. Naturally, you’ll want to help this individual recover in any way you can. But first, of course, you’ll want to be sure that this individual is actually smoking meth. A false accusation could cause a serious rift in…

Young woman experiencing alcohol detox symptoms

What Are Alcohol Detox Symptoms?

When you become addicted to alcohol, you need to drink to prevent alcohol detox symptoms. Sometimes, severe complications can arise from withdrawal symptoms, and without professional support to monitor and assist, these complications can be fatal. Although it’s one of the rarest alcohol detox symptoms, delirium tremors can result in seizures, hallucinations, and death. This…

Man experiencing the signs of a drinking problem

What are the Signs of a Drinking Problem?

If you are having difficulty controlling your drinking, you may be wondering what are the signs of a drinking problem? Having problems quitting drinking on your own is a sign that you may have a drinking problem. However, it isn’t the only indication you may struggle with alcohol addiction. To better understanding what are the…

Man enjoying the benefits of sobriety

What Are the Benefits of Sobriety?

When lost in addiction, most people forget how a healthy life feels. They spend their days and nights treading water while life goes on around them. Little do they know, getting treatment is the best thing that will ever happen to them. However, they still need to proceed with caution. Completing detox and rehab is…

Woman experiencing the stages of drug addiction

What Are the Stages of a Drug Addiction?

A substance use disorder isn’t something you planned on developing. However, you can’t say that you didn’t see it coming either. There are stages of drug addiction. In retrospect, they’re quite clear.Do you want to learn more about drug and alcohol addiction? If so, call us today at 866.605.0532.Trying Something NewMany don’t realize that the…

Several people discussing the question, "What is methamphetamine?"

What Is Methamphetamine? Understanding the Dangers of This Addictive Drug

Methamphetamines are highly addictive stimulant drugs. The street version, called meth or crystal meth, is made illegally in unsanitary underground labs. Cooked by individuals who have no formal pharmaceutical training and little knowledge of keeping labs sanitary, the meth produced is extremely dangerous. This type of meth uses dangerous compounds that can injure or kill…

A group of people discussing group therapy topics

Exploring Group Therapy Topics For Your Mental Health

If you are in need of professional treatment for addiction, you will likely enter a facility that offers group therapy. For some, the idea of group therapy can be frightening and daunting. However, group therapy topics are extremely useful. They aim to help you and your fellow group members explore your experiences with addiction and…

Two women discuss the merits of outpatient detox programs

The Benefits of An Outpatient Detox Program

It’s a great day when an addicted individual makes the decision to seek treatment. Admitting that there is a problem and recognizing the damage caused to friends and family and well as oneself is the hardest, but most important, step. It’s an indication they know something is wrong and want to find a way to…

Young woman coming to grips with the definition of sobriety

Understanding Sobriety and What It Means

The goal of all addiction recovery is sobriety. Yet this can look different for each person as every individual in recovery has to determine their own path towards healing. So what is the definition of sobriety? Many people think sobriety means total abstinence from using drugs or alcohol. Others believe in control and moderation. Because…
