male sitting on stairs

Know The Signs Of Teen Drug Abuse

As we all know, the teen years are volatile, unpredictable, and confusing at times. Puberty and peer relationship pressures make it difficult to navigate this time of life. When you add the possibility of substance abuse and addiction, additional stress comes into play. Would you be able to pinpoint the signs of teen drug abuse?The…

older male with therapist

Individual Therapy For Alcohol and Drug Addiction

Once individuals recognize that they have an addiction, they need to understand that qualified professional help is available. Addiction treatment centers offer a variety of therapy options to help patients recover from drug and alcohol addiction. Part of that treatment involves individual therapy. Through the help of a certified drug and alcohol counselor, patients can…

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Percocet vs. Hydrocodone: What’s The Difference?

Percocet and hydrocodone are both commonly prescribed to people in the United States. People who use either drug are usually trying to deal with post-surgery pain or some type of chronic pain. That doesn’t mean the two drugs are the same, though. Knowing the differences between Percocet vs. hydrocodone can benefit you or a loved…
